
Cost Accounting

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2381068 Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Management and Economics

The subject presents an introduction to the problems of value management as the enterprise on the whole and its parts - centres - by means of budgeting (expected cost), so the individual achievements (intermediate products, products, services) - by means of preliminary costing (expected costs) and actual costing (actual costs). Emphasis is laid on the relation of costs on the whole - enterprise costs - to the costs of individual achievements and the understanding of the transformation from costs in the budgeting and accounting structure (individual cost items) into the costing structure (direct and overhead costs), and fixed and variable costs. There are taught conventional and also modern approaches in costing. The subject Cost

Accounting is connected directly with the subject Accounting and represents an introduction to the problems of cost allocation to separate products, which are compared with the market price and finding out as their profitability, so their acceptability or unacceptability manufacturing program.


Active participation in exercises, preparing and presentation topics, submission of term (semester) work in time and mistake-free.

Syllabus of lectures:

Basic concepts, the concept of calculation, calculation unit, the organizational and product view on calculation, the relationship of the costing system to the information systems as accounting and budgeting. Aspect of cost classification, cost items, calculation structure of costs, costs in relation to the production volume and some other standpoints. Concept of the accounting system, the accounting system as a part of the economic information system in the enterprise. Common costing techniques, absorption costing methods, unfinished products from the costing viewpoint. Differential costing methods, preliminary calculation, the relation norms, standards and costing methods. The calculation by norms, standard costs method, comparison of both approaches, conditions for their utilization. Reliability of costing procedures, critique of the overheads rates costing, base of burden rate, allocation costing problems, précising of the cost calculation and applicability of overhead rates costing. Costing from the stand point of effective production capacity, the concept of changing and constant cost considering changes in volume production capacity. Non absorption costing concepts, ABC analysis a practical utilization in calculation of cost per unit, direct costing in connection with the contribution margin of fixed costs and profit in the first and second level. Break even analysis. Budgeting, budgeting and analysis of overheads, the function and content of a budget, fixed and elastic budgets, the relation to standard costs to elastic budgets. Activity based costing, target costing, principle and exploitation field of the target approach, market price and target costs.

1.Basic concepts, the concept of calculation, calculation unit, the organizational and product view on calculation

2.The relationship of the costing system to the information systems as accounting and budgeting.

3.Aspect of cost classification, cost items, calculation structure of costs, costs in relation to the production volume and some other standpoints

4.Concept of the accounting system, the accounting system as a part of the economic information system in the enterprise.

5.Common costing techniques, absorption costing methods

6.Unfinished products from the costing viewpoint

7.Differential costing methods, preliminary calculation, the relation norms, standards and costing methods. The calculation by norms, standard costs method, comparison of both approaches, conditions for their utilization

8.Reliability of costing procedures, critique of the overheads rates costing, base of burden rate, allocation costing problems, précising of the cost calculation and applicability of overhead rates costing

9.Costing from the stand point of effective production capacity, the concept of changing and constant cost considering changes in volume production capacity.

10.Non absorption costing concepts, ABC analysis a practical utilization in calculation of cost per unit, direct costing in connection with the contribution margin of fixed costs and profit in the first and second level. Break even analysis.

11.Budgeting, budgeting and analysis of overheads, the function and content of a budget, fixed and elastic budgets

12.The relation to standard costs to elastic budgets. Activity based costing,

13.Target costing, principle and exploitation field of the target approach, market price and target costs.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Basic concepts, the concept of calculation, calculation unit, the organizational and product view on calculation

2.The relationship of the costing system to the information systems as accounting and budgeting.

3.Aspect of cost classification, cost items, calculation structure of costs, costs in relation to the production volume and some other standpoints

4.Concept of the accounting system, the accounting system as a part of the economic information system in the enterprise.

5.Common costing techniques, absorption costing methods

6.Unfinished products from the costing viewpoint

7.Differential costing methods, preliminary calculation, the relation norms, standards and costing methods. The calculation by norms, standard costs method, comparison of both approaches, conditions for their utilization

8.Reliability of costing procedures, critique of the overheads rates costing, base of burden rate, allocation costing problems, précising of the cost calculation and applicability of overhead rates costing

9.Costing from the stand point of effective production capacity, the concept of changing and constant cost considering changes in volume production capacity.

10.Non absorption costing concepts, ABC analysis a practical utilization in calculation of cost per unit, direct costing in connection with the contribution margin of fixed costs and profit in the first and second level. Break even analysis.

11.Budgeting, budgeting and analysis of overheads, the function and content of a budget, fixed and elastic budgets

12.The relation to standard costs to elastic budgets. Activity based costing,

13.Target costing, principle and exploitation field of the target approach, market price and target costs.

Study Objective:

Basic concepts, the concept of calculation, calculation unit, the organizational and product view on calculation, the relationship of the costing system to the information systems as ac-counting and budgeting. Aspect of cost classification, cost items, calculation structure of costs, costs in relation to the production volume and some other standpoints. Concept of the accounting system, the accounting system as a part of the economic information system in the enterprise. Common costing techniques, absorption costing methods, unfinished products from the costing viewpoint. Differential costing methods, preliminary calculation, the relation norms, standards and costing methods. The calculation by norms, standard costs method, comparison of both approaches, conditions for their utilization. Reliability of costing proce-dures, critique of the overheads rates costing, base of burden rate, allocation costing prob-lems, précising of the cost calculation and applicability of overhead rates cos, ting. Costing from the stand point of effective production capacity, the concept of changing and constant cost considering changes in volume production capacity. Non absorption costing concepts, ABC analysis a practical utilization in calculation of cost per unit, direct costing in connection with the contribution margin of fixed costs and profit. Break even analysis. Budgeting, budg-eting and analysis of overheads, the function and content of a budget, fixed and elastic budg-ets, the relation to standard costs to elastic budgets. Activity based costing, targe

Study materials:

Coennenberg, A. G: Kostenrechnung und Kostenanalyse, Ver. Moderne Industrie Landsberg am Lech, 1992., Drury, C.: Management and Cost Accounting, 3. vyd., Chapman & Hall London, 1992., Horngren, Ch. T.: Introduction to Management Accounting, 5. vyd., Englewood Cliffs New York, 1984, Macík, K: Kalkulace a rozpočetnictví, Vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha 2002., Macík, K.: Kalkulace nákladů- základ podnikového controllingu, MONTANEX Ostrava, 1999., Vysušil, J.: Optimální cena - odraz správné kalkulace, Profess Praha, 1994., Vysušil J., Macík, K.: Kalkulace a strukturní analýza, Institut řízení Praha, 1985.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
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Data valid to 2024-06-16
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