
Computer Support for Study

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E372041 KZ 3 1P+1C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
ústav přístrojové a řídící techniky

The course introduces students into creating technical and professional documents on computers or Web and into realizing technical computations with the use of computers. Students gain practical skills by creating an essay in a text editor, by realizing technical computations with a spreadsheet calculator, and by creating technical-based WWW page.


Active work on exercises

Osnova přednášek:

1 Working with text editors, advanced use of MS Word. Equation editor, tables, drawing, styles, templates, etc.

2 Scientific and engineering resources on the internet. Reasonable queries on Google. Scopus, IEEE explorer. References in the MS Word. Introduction into MS Powerpoint.

3-4 MS Excel: data import and export, data visualization by graphs. Use for data from labs and their evaluation. Work with texts. Work with (not only economic) tables, filters, conditional formatting, processing data using supplementary calculated columns. Graphs of 2D and 3D functions. Matrix functions.

5 Introduction into Matlab (matrix functions, vectors, graph of e function, work with graphs). Simulink, simple model of a dynamic system, defined by a differential equation.

6 Web pages, free webhosting. Html language, CSS introduction.

7 Basic examples of dynamic web pages. Embedding of a JavaScript, examples. Forms and php.

Osnova cvičení:

1) Checking students' network accounts and mail. Computer lab software.

2) Technical article with predefined structure in the MS Word. Equation editor, tables, drawing, styles, etc.

3) Research on the web for a scientific resources, Scopus, IEEE explorer. References in the MS Word.

3-4) Use of the MS Excel for an engineering computations. Graphs, graphs of a function, data import and export.

4) Advanced techniques with MS Excel, filters, conditional formating, work with a text variables and indirect references.

5) Technical and scientific computations and data visualization using Matlab and Simulink.

6) Web pages, free webhosting. Html language, CSS introduction.

7) Final Test

Cíle studia:

Basic work with text editors. Working with editor of mathematical formulas and their introduction into documents. Making final version of the technical essay. Introduction to technical and scientific computations via computers. Solving some technical problems via spreadsheets, Matlab, Maple, and Python. Making final version of the technical-based project with graphs and computations. Basic skills in scripting in HTML (CSS styles, tag div)

Studijní materiály:

website of the class

online resources specified at class

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Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2024
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/cs/predmet1092506.html