
Retail Business

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
32BC-P-RTBS-01 ZK 3 2P+0C Czech
Course guarantor:
Dana Zadražilová
Patricia Jakešová, Dana Zadražilová
Patricia Jakešová
Institute of Management Studies

The course introduces students to the principles of managing a modern retail company. Emphasis is placed on current trends in retail and understanding of its business opportunities.


Evaluation in the course is based on the final written test (60 points) and short tests during the semester (30 points) and active participation in lectures (10 points). To successfully complete the course, it is necessary to obtain at least 50% of the maximum possible points.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. The importance and function of retail business in the national economy, retail and wholesale activities, Categorization of retailers.

2. Links in the supply chain, wholesale and its types, forms of cooperation between production and trade, importance of ECR.

3. Sales in the network of retail operating units. Typology of business formats, their mission and development trends. E-commerce and its structure and classification, trends in e-commerce.

4. Retail company, development trends in retailing (internationalization, organizational and operational concentration, diversification, e-commerce).

5. Family business in retail – legal conditions, family business management, succession issues.

6. Understanding the customer – market segmentation, designing customer research in retail and choosing appropriate research tools, quantitative and qualitative research, observation. CRM in retail.

7. Processes taking place in a retailing company – organization of purchasing and sales, assortment management (depth and breadth), value chain analysis.

8. Localization of operating units – identification of the area of interest/localization of the market.

9. Distribution models in retail – multichannel, crosschannel and omnichannel business model, suitability of the distribution channel.

10. Consumer protection – basic legislative framework of consumer protection in the Czech Republic and the EU.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

Graduates will have such knowledge and skills on the basis of which they will:

- know the fundamental terminology used in retailing, the processes taking place in the supply chain and in the retail company and understand distribution models,

- be able to design research of customer needs and behaviour in retail, understand market segmentation and its use,

- know the methods used to locate operating units,

- be able to assess the importance and position of retailing companies in the national economy and the international context, including their impact on sustainable business and consumption;

Study materials:

[P] POSTLER, Milan, BÁRTA, Vladimír. Retail marketing (přepracované vydání). 1. vyd. Praha : Press21, 2020. 150 s. ISBN 978-80-907529-1-7.

[D]GOWOREK, H. -- MCGOLDRICK, P J. Retail marketing management : principles and practice Harlow Pearson 2015 978-0-273-75874-7.

D] BERMAN, B. -- CHATTERJEE, P. -- EVANS, J R. Retail management : a strategic approach Harlow Pearson 2018 978-1-292-21467-2.

[D] GREWAL, D. -- LEVY, M. -- WEITZ, B A. Retailing management New York McGraw-Hill Education 2019 978-1-260-08476-4.

[D] MORGAN, T. Visual merchandising : window and in-store displays for retail London Laurence King Publishing 2016 978-1-78067-687-6 .

[D] CIMLER, Petr, ZADRAŽILOVÁ, Dana, aj. Retail management. 1. vyd. Praha : Management Press, 2007. 305 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-167-6.

[D]BÁRTA, Vladimír, PÁTÍK, Ladislav, POSTLER, Milan. Retail marketing. 1. vyd. Praha : Management Press, 2009. 326 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-207-9.

Aktuální četba zadaná vyučujícím.

Recommended electronic texts:

Smart Retailing: Technologies and Strategies: https://1url.cz/@smartretailing

Omnichannel Retail: How to Build Winning Stores in a Digital World: https://1url.cz/@omnichannelretail

The Future of Global Retail : Learning from China's Retail Revolution: https://1url.cz/@globalretail

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet7852806.html