
Heat Transfer in Nuclear Power Plants

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
17STJE Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Martin Ševeček
Dušan Kobylka, Sebastian Nývlt, Martin Ševeček
Dušan Kobylka, Sebastian Nývlt, Martin Ševeček
Department of Nuclear Reactors

The course titled Heat Transfer in Nuclear Power Plants presents to the students the fundamental principles of heat transfer with a focus on nuclear power-related applications. Most of the terms and laws were introduced in the course 02TER which is a predecessor of this course. The course 17STJE elaborates the principles in details and extends the knowledge of students mainly in the areas related to the heat transfer in nuclear cores.

An overview lecture of the basic principles will be given at the beginning of the course and all of the fundamental heat transfer mechanism will be discussed during the next weeks. It will start with conduction followed by convection and radiation at the end. The course focuses on the applications of thermokinetics related to nuclear reactors and equipment related to nuclear power plants and spent nuclear fuel. For that reason, conduction and convection are to be discussed into details. Convection is divided according the nature of the flow into laminar and turbulent. The concept of radiative heat transfer was theoretically introduced in previous courses and the applications and models used by industry will be presented here. The course includes also fundamentals of heat transfer with phase changes main emphasis is given to boiling.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Introduction to the heat transfer


3.Convection – applications in nuclear power

4.Convection – laminar flow

5.Convection – turbulent flow

6.Heat radiation – special cases in nuclear power applications

7.Heat transfer with a phase change

Syllabus of tutorials:

Exercises comprise 50% of the course. First, special cases of Fourier differential equation (heat conduction) are presented and solved. Following cases and geometries are to be solved: stationary heat transfer through a wall and cylindrical wall without internal heat sources. Next, the chapters that are going to be presented during lectures are demonstrated on real cases. The tasks include: energy conservation, conductive heat transfer, thermal fields in special geometries with and without heat sources, non-symmetric boundary conditions, outer convection (forced and natural), inner convection, boiling and heat radiation.

Study Objective:
Study materials:

Povinná literatura:

1.Dhar P.L.: Thermal System Design and Simulation, Academic Press, 2017, ISBN 978-0-1280-9449-5

2.Todreas N.E., Kazimi M.S.: Nuclear systems, volume I, CRC Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4398-0887-0

3.Howell J.-R., Menguc M.-P., Siegel R.: Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, CRC press, 2015

Doporučená literatura:

4.Anderson D.: Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, third edition, CRC press, 2016

5.Incropera F. P., DeWitt D. P.: Introduction to Heat Transfer, John Willey & Sons, New York, 1996, ISBN 0-471-304581

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-24
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6770106.html