NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Building Physics

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
124SF01 Z,ZK 6 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Jiří Nováček, Zbyněk Svoboda, Jaroslav Vychytil
Jiří Nováček, Jaroslav Vychytil
Jiří Bečka, Jakub Diviš, Martina Liberská, Zdenko Malík, Jiří Nováček, Jan Richter, Kamil Staněk, Jaroslav Vychytil
Department of Architectural Engineering

Thermal performance of buildings

Basic course on building physics. The first part of the course (lectures 1, 2) introduces basic principles of heat, air and moisture transfer in buildings and building components as a necessary background for further studies. The second part of the course (lectures 3 to 6) provides an introduction into the design and construction of buildings and building components with respect to building physics related issues. Typical tasks of building design and construction process related with the topics of the course will be presented as well as methods for their solution. A short information on selected diagnostic used for assessment of thermal performance of buildings methods will be presented.

Lighting technology deals with two main parts, sun exposure and daylighting. In the first part, the listener will learn which objects are subject to requirements and what are the options for verifying the time of insolation. This part also includes the connection of the results with possible boundary conditions. The second part deals with the assessment of daylight mainly in the interiors of buildings with regard to the gradation of sky brightness, shading conditions and the characteristics of the room and the lighting opening.

In acoustics, the listener is first introduced to the concepts of sound and noise, sound perception, basic quantities, sound sources and corresponding limits. The propagation of sound in the free and diffuse field, the propagation of sound through an obstacle or in the ear canal is also discussed. When assessing or designing the interiors of buildings, knowledge regarding sound absorption structures and sound insulation properties of dividing structures will be applied.


Elementary knowledge on physics corresponding to the secondary school level.

Syllabus of lectures:

The schedule of lectures may change. It will be announced at the opening lecture whether the course starts with thermal performance, acoustics or daylighting part.

1) Introduction into the building physics - thermal performance of buildings, lectures of invited guests, basic theory - heat transfer

2) Basic theory - heat, air and moisture transfer

3) Building components - thermal transmittance, internal surface temperature

4) Building components - interstitial condensation

5) Interfaces of building components - thermal bridges

6) Buildings - energy efficiency of buildings, design principles of low energy and passive houses, thermal stability and risk of summer overheating

7) Introduction to building lighting technology. Basics of photometry. Human vision. Solar radiation and its importance.

8) Determining the position of the Sun in the sky. Sunlight.

9) Daylighting - quantities, methods of proof, influence of marginal conditions, quantitative and qualitative point of view. Protection of building interiors from overheating.

10) Notion of sound and noise, criteria and limits, Quantities of acoustic emission and immission, their labelling and calculation. Sound propagation in outdoor space. Sound attenuation due to aperture.

11) Propagation of sound in a room. Sound absorbing structures. Basics of room acoustics.

12) Structural acoustics. Sound reduction index. Impact noise.

13) Reserve for holidays and change of teaching.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The schedule of lectures may change. It will be announced at the opening lecture whether the course starts with thermal performance, acoustics or daylighting part.

1) Heat transfer through a building component (heat flow rate, temperature)

2) Heat balance of a building, average heat transmittance of the building envelope

3) Moisture balance of a ventilated space, internal surface temperature, surface condensation

4) Thermal transmittance of a building component, water vapour diffusion, interstitial condensation

5) Calculation of annual balance of interstitial condensation and evaporation in a building component

6) Thermal bridges - risk of surface condensation and heat loss

7) Assessment of the sun exposure of the selected apartment or family house using the shading diagram.

8) Verification of the insolation of the selected apartment or family house using a rectangular or stereographic solar diagram.

9) Assessment of daylight in a living room or in a room with permanent residence of persons.

10) Propagation of sound in outdoor space.

11) Propagation of sound in a room.

12) Calculation of sound insulation of a building element or between rooms.

Study Objective:

Thermal performance of buildings:

The student will be provided with a basic theoretical knowledge necessary for further studies of building physics. The student will be able to:

- solve elementary problems related with the heat, air and moisture transfer in buildings and building components

- solve elementary tasks of the building design process (calculation of thermal transmittance, assessment of surface and interstitial condensation, etc.)

- design technical solutions for reliable building components and energy efficient buildings avoiding the risk of failures due to deficient hygrothermal performance

Sun exposure, daylighting and acoustics:

The ability to solve basic practical problems of sun exposure, daylightling and acoustics and to apply the results in practice.

Study materials:

! HALAHYJA, M. - STERNOVÁ, Z. - CHMÚRNY, I.: Stavebná tepelná technika, Jaga group, Bratislava 2001, ISBN 80-88905-04-4.

! KAŇKA, J. - NOVÁČEK, J.: Stavební fyzika 3 - Akustika pozemních staveb, ČVUT v Praze, Praha 2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05674-5.

! VYCHYTIL, J. - KAŇKA, J.: Stavební světelná technika - přednášky. ČVUT v Praze, Praha 2016, ISBN 978-80-01-06060-5.

? KITTLER, R. - KOCIFAJ, M. - DARULA, S.: Daylight Science and Daylight Technology. Springer Science + Business Media, London 2012, ISBN 978-1-4419-8815-7.

? HAGENTOFT, C-E.: Introduction to building physics, Studentlitteratur, Lund 2001, ISBN 9789144018966.

? KAŇKA, J.: Akustika stavebních objektů, ERA, Brno 2009, ISBN 978-80-7366-140-3.

? VYCHYTIL, J.: Stavební světelná technika - cvičení, ČVUT v Praze, Praha 2015, ISBN 978-80-01-05858-9.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-07
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3119906.html