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Code Completion Credits Range Language
105YRET Z 2 2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Monika Dobiášová
Monika Dobiášová
Monika Dobiášová
Department of Social Sciences

The participants of this course shall gain and improve skills that are needed for successful professional communication in practice. The study helps to develop culture and effectiveness of verbal communication in written and oral form and of nonverbal communication. It assists in overcoming eventual psychological barriers during public performance, so that the speaker can build up a favorable personal image in the audience. These skills can be employed even outside the professional field. The course instructs also on preparation of written material and visual aids. The ?Rhetoric? course covers the foundations of the field and serves as an overview course.


without requirements

Syllabus of lectures:

No lectures

Syllabus of tutorials:

Communication in Today's Society. Presentation as a Specific Component of Communication Skills. Types of Presentations. Structure and Phases of Presentation. Effective vs. Impactful Presentations. Logical Rules for Successful Presentation.

Presentation and the Significance of Its Persuasive Function. Personal/Group/Business Presentations.

Presentation Skills and Techniques. Rhetoric and the Quality of Speech. Verbal Component of Presentation.

Personality and Communication, Prerequisites of a Good Speaker, Rules for Managing Stress. Rational vs. Emotional Component in Successful Presentation. Principles of Social Etiquette in Personal and Public Presentation.

Public Speaking and Public Address. Target Audiences.

Negotiation and Bargaining as Presentation Techniques.

Crisis Communication - Stress, Questions, and Answers.

Psychology, Argumentation, Persuasion, Improvisation.

Team Communication.

Effective Communication, Barriers, Self-Presentation.

Seminar Assignment - Professional Presentation.

Course Evaluation - Seminar Papers (Presentations).

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to acquire and improve the skills of oral expression necessary for the successful professional communication of graduates. The study should help them develop the culture and effectiveness of both verbal and non-verbal expression and remove any psychological barriers to public speaking so that they are able to build a favorable personal image. Students can practice these skills through practical training individually and in groups through etudes and communication games. The knowledge and experience gained in this way can be used not only in a professional context.

Study materials:

Povinná literatura:

[1] Lošťáková, O. Empatická a asertivní komunikace, Jak zvládat obtížné komunikační situace, Praha, Grada Publishing, 2020.

[2] Klapetek, M.: Komunikace, argumentace, rétorika . Praha, Grada Publishing 2008, eBook.

Doporučená literatura:

[3] Helcl, Z.: Jak zvládnout 77 obtížných situací při prezentacích a přednáškách, Osvědčené rady a příklady z praxe, Praha, Grada Publishing, 2013.

[4] Kermode, R.: Mluvte tak, aby vás druzí poslouchali, 7 kroků k sebevědomému a autentickému projevu před publikem, Praha, Grada 2018.

[5] Kahneman, D.: Myšlení: rychlé a pomalé, Jan Melvil, 2012.

[6] Pernal, E.: Taktně, profesionálně, elegantně (pravidla jednání a vystupování v obchodním a společenském styku), nakladatelství EKOPRESS, s.r.o. 2001.

[7] Řeč těla, jak porozumět druhým z jejich gest, mimiky a postojů těla, nakladatelství Portál, s.r.o. 2001

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:

(parallel nr.101)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-23
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet24138305.html