
Dynamics of Structures

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
132DS01 Z,ZK 5 2P+2C anglicky
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Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra mechaniky

The course is devoted to vibration of structures caused by various types of load.



Osnova přednášek:

1. stiffness, D'Alembert principle, free vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

2. free vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

3. forced vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

4. rotational vibration of systems with single degree of freedom (free, forced)

5. damped vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

6. systems with multiple degrees of freedom, stiffness matrix, mass matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors

7. free vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom

8. forced vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, harmonic load

9. steady state vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, seismic load

10. damped vibration, Rayleigh damping

11. impact load, response to impact

12. vibration of continuous systems

13. numerical methods (inverse iteration method, Newmark method)

Osnova cvičení:

. stiffness, D'Alembert principle, free vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

2. free vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

3. forced vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

4. rotational vibration of systems with single degree of freedom (free, forced)

5. damped vibration of systems with single degree of freedom

6. systems with multiple degrees of freedom, stiffness matrix, mass matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors

7. free vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom

8. forced vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, harmonic load

9. steady state vibration of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, seismic load

10. damped vibration, Rayleigh damping

11. impact load, response to impact

12. vibration of continuous systems

13. numerical methods (inverse iteration method, Newmark method)

Cíle studia:

Students will be able to solve free and forced vibrations, damped and undamped vibrations. Students will be able to deal with models of structures with single and multiple degrees of freedom. Students will be familiar with basic numerical methods for eigenvibration and forced vibration.

Studijní materiály:

!1. Clough, R.W. and Penzien, J. (1993) Dynamics of structures. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-113241-4

!2. Bittnar, Z. and Šejnoha, J. (1996) Numerical methods in structural engineering. ASCE Press. ISBN 978-0727725554.

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Platnost dat k 15. 9. 2024
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