Data Mining
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky |
BIE-VZD | Z,ZK | 4 | 2P+2C | anglicky |
- Garant předmětu:
- Daniel Vašata
- Přednášející:
- Rodrigo Augusto Da Silva Alves, Daniel Vašata
- Cvičící:
- Rodrigo Augusto Da Silva Alves, Daniel Vašata
- Předmět zajišťuje:
- katedra aplikované matematiky
- Anotace:
Students are introduced to the basic methods of discovering knowledge in data. In particular, they learn the basic techniques of data preprocessing, multidimensional data visualization, statistical techniques of data transformation, and fundamental principles of knowledge discovery methods. Students will be aware of the relationships between model bias and variance, and know the fundamentals of assessing model quality. Data mining software is extensively used in the module. Students will be able to apply basic data mining tools to common problems (classification, regression, clustering).
- Požadavky:
The knowledge of calculus, linear algebra and probability theory is assumed.
- Osnova přednášek:
1. Introduction to the field and applications
2. Decision trees, test, train, validation set
3. Ensemble methods (random forest, AdaBoost)
4. Hierarchical clustering, k-means algorithm
5. kNN (k-nearest neighbours)
6. Naive Bayes
7. Linear regression
8. Logistic regression
9. Ridge regression and regularisation
10. Dimensionality reduction
11. Neural networks
12. Natural language processing
- Osnova cvičení:
1. Jupyter notebooks and machine learning packages
2. Decision trees, hyperparameters tuning
3. Ensemble methods (random forest, AdaBoost)
4. Hierarchical clustering, k-means algorithm
5. kNN (k-nearest neighbours), cross-validation
6. Naive Bayes classifier
7. Linear regression
8. Logistic regression
9. Ridge regression
10. Dimensionality reduction
11. Neural networks
12. Natural language processing
- Cíle studia:
The module aims to introduce students to a rapidly developing field - knowledge discovery in data.
- Studijní materiály:
1. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, I. H. Witten, E. Frank, M. A. Hall, Elsevier, 2011, ISBN 978-0080890364.
2. Deep Learning, I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, MIT Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0262035613.
3. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, K. P. Murphy, MIT Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0262018029.
- Poznámka:
Information about the course and courseware are available at
- Další informace:
- Pro tento předmět se rozvrh nepřipravuje
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů: