Cross-Cultural Management
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
32BE-P-CCMN-01 | Z,ZK | 6 | 2P+2C | English |
- Relations:
- It is not possible to register for the course 32BE-P-CCMN-01 if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course U16E0102 (mutually exclusive courses).
- During a review of study plans, the course U16E0102 can be substituted for the course 32BE-P-CCMN-01.
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Institute of Management Studies
- Synopsis:
Managing cultural diversity plays crucial in todays globalized world and doing business across countries. Cross culture is the interaction of people from different backgrounds in the business world. Knowledge of cross-cultural differences and their practical use increases the efficiency of interaction between representatives of different national cultures and could be considered one of the core competencies of a successful manager in the global environment. The course is open to students of all majors looking for deeper knowledge about how culture shapes management practices in international companies as well as the cultural orientations of individual managers and organisation members.
- Requirements:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
-understand the implications of the globalization of business for effective management with a special focus on the cultural environment of international business;
-understand the concept of culture, theories, and dimensions of culture;
-be able to measure culture and cultural differences
-apply cultural models and frameworks of doing business in different countries;
-interpret behavior, attitudes, and communication styles of people from different cultures correctly;
-negotiate effectively in intercultural and international decision-making meetings and processes;
-employ social and multicultural differences in order to solve problems in his/her professional and social activities.
- Syllabus of lectures:
1.Introduction to cross-cultural (intercultural, transcultural) management. Global environment and globalisation of business.
2.Culture, its definition and characteristics. Cultural factors and specifics, their possible consequences, and their influence on different aspects of business. Cultural differences around the globe. Hofstedes cultural paradigm.
3.Culture and its dimensions. Lewis, Trompenaars, and Hall's cross-cultural concepts and approaches. Emergent cross-cultural theories and perspectives.
4.Developing cross-cultural competence. History of cross-cultural communication. Understanding phenomena of culture shock, ethnocentrism, stereotypes. Discrimination and fighting against it. Crosscultural competence in international business.
5.Principles of effective communication. Communication styles. Verbal and nonverbal language. Language diversity and World English.
6.Conflict as a challenge. Principles of effective negotiation. Negotiation styles. Resolving conflicts in cultural contexts.
7.Management strategies across countries (ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric predisposition of international companies doing business). What is «glocalization? »
8.Impact of culture on international marketing decisions. Consumer behaviour. Advertising.
9.Differences of management style across the world. Coordination, communication and time management.
10.Diversity in the field of HRM, managing creativity in the context of groups and teams. Leadership styles around the world to build an effective team. Etiketa a protokol.
11.Corporate culture in International companies. Case studies. Ethical business strategies and social responsibility. Business vs(?) hodnoty.
12.Becoming a global manager. Future trends in cross-cultural management, technological advancements, virtual teams.
13.Final test.
- Syllabus of tutorials:
Role-plays (conflict situations created by the students) and presentations related to the lecture topics - each class.
Text analyses of Hofstede, Trompenaars, Hall etc.
Group work: dialogues between students rooted in different cultures.
- Study Objective:
The aim of the course is to introduce students to culture as a major force in business and organising. The course observes both international and interpersonal communication.
- Study materials:
RQ materiály v Teams a Moodle
TROMPENAARS, F.Riding the waves of culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business(second edition)LondonNicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd2010ISBN 1-85788-176-1
HOFSTEDE, GEERT; HOFSTEDE, GERT JANCultures, and Organizations Software
of the Mind. (third edition)LondonMcGraw Hill Professional,2010ISBN: 978-0-07-177015-6
MARIE-JOËLLE BROWAEYS & ROGER PRICE«Understanding Cross-Cultural Management» (second edition)LondonFT/Prentice Hall2017ISBN-13: 978-0273732952
DERESKY, H.International management: managing across culturesUpper SaddlePearson20200-13-196858-0
LEWIS, RICHARD.When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures (third edition)Boston-London Nicholas Brealey Publishing LtdISBN: 978-1904838029
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- B-EM-P prezenční studium od 20/21 (compulsory elective course)
- B-EM-P prezenční studium od 21/22 (compulsory elective course)
- B-EM-P prezenční studium od 22/23 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (profesní studijní program) - počínaje od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ101 Marketing) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ102 Personální management) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ103 Řízení firemních procesů) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ104 Účetnictví) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ105 Manažerská informatika) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)
- B0413P050061 Ekonomika a management (OZ106 Obchodní podnikání) od ZS 2023/2024 (compulsory elective course)