
Presentation Skills

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
U16C6102 Z 3 0P+2C Czech
It is not possible to register for the course U16C6102 if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course U04E0203 (mutually exclusive courses).
It is not possible to register for the course U16C6102 if the student is concurrently registered for or has previously completed the course U04E0203 (mutually exclusive courses).
Course guarantor:
Institute of Management Studies

Students will adopt main rules of verbal, non verbal a para verbal (voice) communication and principles of presentation skills. Students will develop their own presentation skills in practical exercises. They will get feed back in a form of self evaluation, „peer-review“ and lecturer comments.


To obtain credits: Students have to be present and work actively at workshops, perform one main prepared speech at least and give feedback and evaluations to other students. Students have to perform perfectly a set of tong twisters. Min. attendance 80 %.

Syllabus of lectures:

Main concepts and principles of presentations

Verbal communication

Nonverbal communication

Paraverbal communication and

Rhetoric and speaking skills

Visual aids

Presentations skills

Coping with nervousness

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

The aim of the subject is to foster students presentation skills in order to enhance the persuasiveness of their presentations and their ability to communicate and present effectively especially within their workplace and in the business area.

Study materials:

DeVito, J. Základy mezilidské komunikace, Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008

Nollke, C. Umění prezentace. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004

Pease A. Řeč těla. Jak porozumět druhým z jejich gest, mimiky a postojů těla. Praha: Portál, 2001

Covey, S. R. 7 návyků skutečně efektivních lidí. Praha: Management Press, 2011

Špačková, A. Moderní rétorika, Praha: Grada, 2009

Bruno, T., G. Adamczyk. Řeč těla. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007

Khelerová, V. Komunikační dovednosti manažera. Praha: Grada Publishing, 1995

Štěpaník, J. Umění jednat s lidmi 2: Komunikace. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2003

Goleman, D. Emoční inteligence. Praha: Columbus, 1997

Further information:
moodle-vyuka.cvut.cz MÚVS Prezentační dovednosti
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5014606.html