
Concrete and Masonry Structures 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
133YBKC Z 2 2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Petr Bílý, Radek Štefan
Petr Bílý, Jakub Holan, Radek Štefan
Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures

Introduction to selected computer programs for structural modeling. Fundamentals of the finite element method. Basic types of elements for modeling of structures. Principles for choosing a suitable model. Practical procedures for the design and assessment of reinforced concrete structures using software tools. Principles and methods of interpretation and verification of results. Practical examples.


Attendance (max. 2 absences)

Syllabus of lectures:

Task 1.1 - Frame: structural model, input of load, calculation of internal forces

Task 1.2 - Frame: buckling, concrete settings, design internal forces

Task 1.3 - Frame: design of reinforcement, assessment of cross-sections (method of limit deformations, interaction diagram)

Task 1.4 - Frame: input of reinforcement in the entire frame, assessment of the entire frame

Task 1.5 - Frame: assessment of SLS

Task 2.1 - Slab: entering geometry and loads, mesh settings, solver settings

Task 2.2 - Slab: Checking the size of the mesh, checking the calculation. Displaying results on surfaces. Settings for reinforcement design. Design of longitudinal reinforcement for ULS.

Task 2.3 - Slab: Design and assessment of the longitudinal reinforcement of the slab in ULS. Punching shear check of the slab. Assessment of the slab for SLS.

Task 2.4 - Slab: Changing the geometry of the structure. Adjustment of slab reinforcement. Rib reinforcement design.

Task 2.5 - Slab: Assessment of rib reinforcement in ULS and SLS. Evaluation of a slab with ribs in SLS.

Task 3.1 - 3D construction: Entry of geometry. Load panels, climatic loads.

Task 3.2 - 3D construction: Analysis of stiffening core and deep beam. Soilin module.

Syllabus of tutorials:

See Outline

Study Objective:

Familiarization with the topics listed in the sections Annotation and Outline of lectures.

Study materials:

Kolář, V., Kanický, V., Němec, I.: FEM: Principy a praxe metody konečných prvků. Praha: Computer Press, 1997.

Jandera, M. a kol. Využití pokročilého modelování konstrukcí v magisterském studiu [on-line]. URL: http://people.fsv.cvut.cz/www/stefarad/RPMT/Modelovani.html

Web pages of particular softwares.

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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