
Underground structures and rock mechanics.

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
135PSMH Z,ZK 6 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Geotechnics

Geotechnical investigation, basic conceptions of rock classification and rock mass properties evaluation, laboratory and field testing, static evaluation of tunnels and its lining, tunnelling methods (NATM, drill and blast, SEM, TBM), technology of underground constructions (cut and cover structures, mined tunnels, etc.).



Syllabus of lectures:

Geotechnical investigation, Rock properties, Rock classification

Stresses and deformations of rock mass

Rock disturbances, Rheology

Anisotropy and inhomogeneity, discontinuities

Ground water

Historical development of underground engineering Basic terminology

Classification of underground structures. Basic design elements

Cut and cover tunnels

Mined tunnels

Loads acting on underground structures. Static evaluation of underground structures

Geotechnical monitoring

Special construction methods (floated tunnels, grouting, ground freezing)


Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Introduction to the course and requirements for credit

2. Transformation parameters of the rock environment

3. Geotechnical investigation, stresses in the rock environment - Part 1

4. Tension in the rock environment - Part 2

5. Underground work implementation, deformation response

6. Loading of underground structures - vault theories

7. Loading of underground structures - other theories

8. Loading of underground structures - pressure on the bottom of the excavation

9. Fenner-Pacher theory

10. Design of the lining of a typical underground construction

11. Support of construction pits

12. Excursions

Study Objective:

Recognition with basic conceptions of rock classification and properties evaluation, laboratory and field testing, elements of calculations in rock mechanics and underground construction, excavations methods, mined tunels, cut and cover tunnels

Study materials:

Barták J., Pruška J., Podzemní stavby, ČVUT Praha 2011, ISBN 978-80-01-04789-7

Klepsatel F. a kol.: Výstavba tunelů ve skalních horninách. JAGA, 2003 ISBN 80-88905-43-5.

Pruška J., Geomechanika - Mechanika hornin, ČVUT Praha 2002, ISBN 80-01-02456-3

Klepsatel, F., Mařík, L., Frankovský, M.: Městské podzemní stavby. Bratislava: Jaga, 2005, ISBN 8080760217

Dean Brox: Practical guide to tunneling, Boca Raton 2017, ISBN 978-1-138-62998-1

Das Braja M: Rock mechanics: an Introduction, Boca Raton, 2013 978-0-415-80923-8

publikacations of the Czech Tunnelling Association ITA-AITES - https://www.ita-aites.cz/cz/


Till semestr B201

Further information:
Web k135
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4119206.html