
Theory of Nursing and Nursing Methods I.

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
17BZTOP1 Z 3 2P+1C Czech
In order to register for the course 17BZPSB1, the student must have successfully completed the course 17BZTOP1.
In order to register for the course 17BZIPB1, the student must have successfully completed the course 17BZTOP1.
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The course is designed as a theoretical and practical foundation degree paramedic program. Systemically defines nursing as a separate discipline of modern science, with its own philosophy, value system, subject to review, theoretical models, standard terminology, classification systems and methodologies. It introduces the historical development of nursing with a multicultural dimension to the field and current trends that are related to improving the effectiveness of health systems. The course is also focused on the active acquisition of knowledge, skills, habits and work patterns necessary to treat patients of all ages in hospital care.



1. 90% participation in lessons, at a higher absence of compelling reasons must be documented (medical report) must replace teaching

2. Essay on nursing issues in the range lows. 5 pages, a condition of recognition is correct citations according to applicable standards, presentation and defense work in the exercises.

Topics will be awarded in the initial hour of lesson.

3. Implementation of two assigned practical tasks within the practicals

4. Successful completion of a written test. The test contains 20 questions. For every correctly answered question you can get 1 point. Points are deducted when incorrect answers. Questions are offered with three possible variants of answers (a-c, one or more answers may be correct). Test result of less than 10 points is assessed as insufficient.

Syllabus of lectures:

Week 1 The history of nursing and nursing


Week 2 Past and Present training non-medical professions focused on nursing care. Professional organizations

Week 3 Nursing as a discipline, philosophy of nursing, changes and trends in development.

Week 4 Organization of care, Medical team. Competencies and Job paramedic.

Week 5 Metaparadigm (disciplinary paradigm) - a person, health, environment and nursing activity and the paradigm ošetřovatelství- (poddisciplinární paradigm) - the essence of conceptual models, their classification, structure and function

Week 6 Classification of nursing diagnoses NANDA, standardize nursing terminology (ICNP), nursing interventions classification (NIC), a classification of nursing outcomes (NOC) OMAHA classification system

Week 7 nursing process, nursing history

8.week nursing process, nursing diagnosis, implementation and evaluation of care OSE.

Week 9 Nursing models and their application in the nursing process

Week 10 Quality and standardization in nursing care

Week 11 Multicultural Society, theories and models of multicultural nursing, practical application

Week 12 Research in Nursing

Week 13 Current issues in nursing care

Week 14 Medical records, medical records

Syllabus of tutorials:

Caring for a hospital bed, auxiliaries beds, bed resuscitation.

Provision of hygiene in children and adults, prevention and treatment of bedsores and diaper rash, position patients.

Monitoring of physiological functions, including sensing elektrokardiografického record reviews rhythm disorders, monitoring of pulse oximetry.

Reception, translation, release of patients on the wards, taking over and control of medicines, handling.

Ensuring discharge of urine and faeces (urinary bladder catheterization in adults and girls over 10 years, enema).

Medication administration: orally. into cavities. (conjunctival sac, rectum, etc.), application of drugs through the skin, airways.

Injections s.c., i.m., i.v. inputs to the bone.

Study Objective:

To acquaint students with the historical development of nursing with a multicultural dimension to the field and current trends that are related to improving the effectiveness of health systems.

The course is also focused on the active acquisition of knowledge, skills, habits and work patterns necessary to treat patients of all ages in hospital care.

Study materials:

1. HERDMAN, T. H., KAMITSURU, S. NANDA International Ošetřovatelské diagnózy. Definice a klasifikace 2015-2017. Praha: Grada Publishing , 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-5412-3.

2. JAROŠOVÁ, D., ZELENÍKOVÁ, R. Ošetřovatelství založené na důkazech. Evidence base nursing. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-5345-4

3. KAŠÁKOVÁ, E., VOKURKA, HUGO, J. Výkladový slovník pro zdravotní sestry. Praha: Maxdorf, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7345-424-1

4. Plevová, I. : Management v ošetřovatelství. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-3871-0

5. PLEVOVÁ, I. a kol. Ošetřovatelství II. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3558-0

6. PLEVOVÁ, I. et al. (ed.). Ošetřovatelství I. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3557-3.

7. ŠAMÁNKOVÁ, M. et al. Lidské potřeby ve zdraví a nemoci aplikované v ošetřovatelském procesu. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3223-7

8. VĚSTNÍK MZ ČR č. 9/2004. Koncepce ošetřovatelství.

9. VYHLÁŠKA č. 102/2012 Sb., o hodnocení kvality a bezpečí lůžkové zdravotní péče.

10. VYHLÁŠKA č. 55/2011 Sb., kterou se stanoví činnosti zdravotnických pracovníků a jiných odborných pracovníků.

11. VYHLÁŠKA č. 98/2012 Sb., o zdravotnické dokumentaci

12. ZÁKON č. 372/2011 Sb., o zdravotních službách a podmínkách jejich poskytování.

13. ZÁKON č. 96/2004 Sb., o podmínkách získávání a uznávání způsobilosti k výkonu nelékařských zdravotnických povolání a k výkonu činností souvisejících s poskytováním zdravotní péče a o změně některých souvisejících zákonů (zákon o nelékařských zdravotnických povoláních), novelizace 105/2011 a 346/2011.

Further information:
www.cnna.cz www.komorazachranaru.cz www.osetrovatelstvi.info
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Data valid to 2024-06-16
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