
Enterprise Management Control

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
2381707 Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Czech
In order to register for the course 2381112, the student must have successfully completed the course 2381707.
Garant předmětu:
Department of Management and Economics

The key objective of the course is to introduce Management Control (Controlling) as up to date approach to enterprise control. To explain its development starting with its partial functional role, over its mostly reporting role to the compact and productive concept of the enterprise management with regard to the recent research and practice context. The course focuses on key linkages within and among single functional parts, as product lines, processes, activities and resources of the enterprise control system. The strong focus is on the application of managerial tools that support controlling of single parts of enterprise control system in mutual interaction.

To the course objectives belong also to demonstrate how to link together the knowledge and skills gained in other courses namely on managerial, financial, economical and communication topics. During the course the participants create own partial projects using prepared prototyped cases. Specific stress is on performance management and measurement in management control in general. The models are prepared to illustrate key linkages in enterprise management system and integration features of managerial tools.


To pass successfully the tests 1 Basic knowledge from the following headings:

1.Management Control (MC) as advanced phase in enterprise management. Reasons for MC. The development phases of Management Control. Convergent Controlling Concept (CCC).

2.Basic entities of Management Control. Integrative viewpoints in Management Control. Integration in MC: its aim, prepositions and implications.

3.Planning and estimation in MC. Kleinbeckel scheme. Three balance scheme. Financial and cost point of view.

4.Planning system and basic features of single type of plan. The importance of technical recordings.

5.Cost control: key principles and procedures.

6.The role of time in MC. Optimality criterions, its importance in activities and costs control. Other time management control.

7.Balanced Scorecard in MC: Aim, possibilities, conditions for application. Other wider implications of BSC Methodology.

8.Managerial tools (MT) in MC application - overview. Integrative features of MT. HOT method in controlling alternative. Standard cost method vers. HOT-Method.

9.Activity Based Management (ABM) application in MC. Process control and other MT applications. PS-Methodology.

10.Content and formal integration. Vysusil?s integrative concept. Vertical, horizontal and time integration. The role of integrative methods. System framework and its construction. Integrated information concept.

11.Quality information concepts according to Vysusil and Martin.

12.Skills and responsibility of controller.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Management Control (MC) as advanced phase in enterprise management. Reasons for MC. The development phases of Management Control.

2.Convergent Controlling Concept (CCC).

3.Basic entities of Management Control. Integrative viewpoints in Management Control.

4.Planning and assessment in Management Control. Kleinbeckel?s scheme. Three balance scheme. Integration of the financial and non-financial parts of enterprise plan. Content and structure of planning system and key features of each type of plan.

5.Cost control in enterprise. Key principles and procedures.

6.Role of time in MC: optimality criterions, application in activity control and cost control. Other time implications in MC.

7.Role of methods and other managerial tools in MC application. Integrative features of managerial tools.

8.Managerial tools - an overview. HCT-method in controlling alternative. The differences in Standard costs and HCT-method.

9.Activity Based Management (ABM) application and its implications. Process control. Other recent control technologies in MC application. The product groups methodology and its role in MC-application.

10.Balanced Scorecard in MC: Aim, features, application conditions and key implications.

11.Content and formal integration. Integrative concept by Vysusil. Vertical, horizontal and time integration.

12.Quality of information: Vysusil?s concept. Martin?s concepts. Controller: skills and responsibility. The development in the controller position and skills.

13.Summary of key principles and rules. Conclusion.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Management Control (MC) as advanced phase in enterprise management. The development phases of Management Control. Case-1_Presentation.

2.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 1. Convergent Controlling Concept (CCC). Integrative viewpoints in Management Control.

3.Key links and step by step integration of basic information systems (of plans, budgets, costing, other important recordings. Case-2_Presentation.

4.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 2. Integration of the financial and non-financial parts of enterprise plan. The role of three balance scheme in planning. Test 1.

5.Process control and Activity Based Management in Enterprise control. Case-3_Presentation.

6.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 3. Cost control as integral part of MC. Case-4_Presentation.

7.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 4. The role of methods and other managerial tools in MC. Test 2.

8.Balanced scorecard a its implication. Presentation and interactive work on Case-5.

9.Methodology of Product Sets. Its role in MC and Cost Control. Case-6_Presentation.

10.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 6. Other managerial tools for integrated MC. Test 3.

11.Integrative models for key integrative links in MC. Case-7_Presentation.

12.Debate to student?s presentations of Assignment 7. Quality of information. Framework of the system. Final test.

13.Development in skill and role of controller. Summary.

Study Objective:

The key objective of the course is to introduce Management Control (Controlling) as up to date approach to enterprise control. To explain its development starting with its partial functional role, over its mostly reporting role to the compact and productive concept of the enterprise management with regard to the recent research and practice context.

Study materials:

Baťa, T.:Úvahy a projevy, IŘ, 1993

Cokins, G.: Performance management: Finding the Missing Pieces (To close the gap), John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2004

Cokins, G.: Performance management: Making it Work, In: Proceedings from the Conference "7th Conference on Manufacturing Accounting Research?, Tampere, 4/2005

Drucker, P.F.: The Essential Drucker, Harper Collins Publishers Inc., N.Y., 2005

Eschenbach, R.: Controlling, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1996,

Horváth P.: Controlling, Vahlen München, 2002, ISBN 3-8006-2731-0

Kaplan, R.S., Norton D.P.: Alignment, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2006

Kleinbeckel, H.: Řízení financí a likvidity, Babtex

Král B. a kol.: Manažerské účetnictví, Management Press, Praha, poslední vydání

Vysušil J., Zralý M.: Účetnictví v éře controllingu, Účetnictví 5/98, str.142-144, Účetnictví 6/98, str.164-167, Účetnictví 7/98, str.206-210

Zralý, M.: Syllabuses to the course (presentations, slides, cases), on server S: \Zraly??

Zralý, M.: Vývoj pojetí controllingu, Controlling, 1/2003, str. 3-9, vydává Společnost pro controlling a podnikové řízení

Zralý M., Profota L.: Jak jsou řízeny české firmy? Výsledky benchmarkingového projektu „Manažerská navigace“, Controlling, 4/2003, pp. 3-7, SCPR

Zralý M. a kol: Controlling a manažerské účetnictví jako nástroj integrace v podnikovém řízení, závěrečná publikace shrnující výsledky stejnojmenného projektu, stran: 239, ISBN: 80-01-03362-7, Vydavatelství ČVUT v Praze, 2005

Zralý, M.: Hour Overhead Tariffs Method - Effective Tool for Time Oriented Activity Based Management, In: Proceedings of EIASM "8th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference- Cost and Performance Management in Services and Operation?, pp.: 24, ISBN 978-88-8443-182-0, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, 6/2007

Zralý, M.: Integration Concept of Management Control and its Contribution to Performance Management, In: Proceedings of EIASM "4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control?, pp.: 15, ISBN 978-88-8444-183-0, Nice, France, 9/2007

Zralý, M.: Syllabuses, cases, etc., incl. selected references 2005-2009, on internal server S: \Zraly ??

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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