Formulace termodynamicky konzistentních modelů
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah |
D01FTKM | ZK |
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- katedra matematiky
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Povinná literatura
1.M. Pavelka, V. Klika, M. Grmela: Multiscale Thermo-Dynamics, DeGruyter, 2018.
2.S. R. De Groot and P. Mazur: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Courier Corporation, 2013.
3.G. Lebon, D. Jou, and J. Casas-Vázquez: Understanding non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Vol. 295, Berlin: Springer, 2008.
4.D. Jou, G. Lebon and J. Casas-Vazquez: Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics, Springer, 2014.
5.H. B. Callen: Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, Wiley, 1985.
Doporučená literatura
6.F. Maršík: Termodynamika kontinua, Academia, 1999.
7.F. Maršík: Biotermodynamika, Academia, 1998.
8.M. Spivak: A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, Publish or Perish, 1999.
9.M. Fecko: Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists, CUP, 2006.
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