
Fluvial Processes and Stream Morphology

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Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra hydrauliky a hydrologie

Properties of rivers and fluvial processes. River variability and complexity, geomorphic assessment of rivers; controls of river morphology and behaviour. Stream sediment and modes of its transport. Channel resistance. Equilibrium transport of bed load, suspended load and total load. Transport of sediment out of equilibrium. Mathematical modelling of flow with transport of sediment over mobile bed. Physical modelling of rivers/streams with mobile bed. Mountain stream morphology. Stability of stream thread. Geomorphic analysis of river channel changes. Modelling approaches to the ecology of fluvial system and river chemistry. River pollution and mixing zones.


No prerequisites.

Osnova přednášek:

Properties of rivers and fluvial processes. River variability and complexity, geomorphic assessment of rivers; controls of river morphology and behaviour. Stream sediment and modes of its transport. Channel resistance. Equilibrium transport of bed load, suspended load and total load. Transport of sediment out of equilibrium. Mathematical modelling of flow with transport of sediment over mobile bed. Physical modelling of rivers/streams with mobile bed. Mountain stream morphology. Stability of stream thread. Geomorphic analysis of river channel changes. Modelling approaches to the ecology of fluvial system and river chemistry. River pollution and mixing zones.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Properties of rivers and fluvial processes. Classification of channel types and river patterns.

2. Geomorphic assessment of rivers.

3. Stream sediment and modes of its transport.

4. Channel resistance. Internal structure of flow in mobile-bed channels.

5. Equilibrium transport of bed load, suspended load and total load.

6. Transport of sediment out of equilibrium - short-term morphodynamic responses.

7. Transport of sediment out of equilibrium - long-term morphodynamic responses.

8. Examples of mathematical modelling of flow with transport of sediment over mobile bed.

9. Examples of physical modelling - dimensional analysis, model similitude.

10. Examples of kinetic theory based modelling of intense transport of sediment.

11. Stability of stream thread.

12. Examples of geomorphic analysis of river channel changes.

13. Modelling approaches to the ecology of fluvial system.

Cíle studia:

To gain knowledge on geomorphic processes and their mechanisms in natural rivers and streams, to gain competences to find engineering solutions for river stability problems.

Studijní materiály:

Essential literature:

DEY, S.: Fluvial Hydrodynamics. Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena. Springer. 2014. ISBN 978-3-642-19061-2

GARCIA, M. H. (ed.): Sedimentation Engineering. Processes, Measurements, Modeling, and Practice. ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7844-0814-8

SCHUMM, S.A.: River Variability and Complexity. Cambridge University Press. 2005. ISBN:0-521-84671-4.

Suggested literature:

CHARLTON, R.: Fundamentals of Fluvial Geomorphology. London Routledge. 2007. ISBN: 0-415-33453-5.

CALOW, P., PETTS, G.,E. (eds.): The Rivers Handbook. Hydrological and Ecological Principles. Volume 2. Blackwell Science. 1994. ISBN: 0-632-02985-4.

Study aids:

:PARKER, G.: 1D Sediment Transport Morphodynamics with Applications to Rivers and Turbidity Currents. 2004. (web site http://vtchl.uiuc.edu/people/parkerg/morphodynamics_e-book.htm).

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