
Reservoirs Design and Management

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
142RDME Z,ZK 6 3P+2C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra hydrotechniky

By undertaking this course, students will be able to understand the fundamental principles with respect to design and control of reservoirs and water resources systems. The course includes methods and analysis for hydrological data preparation, stochastic time series generation and basic simulation and optimization techniques. Students will be able to design the storage capacity of reservoirs to serve water supply and environmental services downstream and to design appropriate flood control capacity to protect downstream area against floods. Environmental, geophysical and water quality aspects of reservoirs will be also discussed.


1. Active participation in seminars

2. Processing and submission of correctly and completely solved tasks. At least three tasks will also have an optional part of your choice.

3. Preparation and submission of a seminar paper

Osnova přednášek:

1. Reservoir types; purposes and functions; water management schemes and floods

2. Hydrological data for design (types of data; inflow time series analysis; analysis of the autocorrelation characteristics)

3. Hydrological data for design cont. (methods for simulation, optimization and prognosis)

4. Modelling methods for time series (simulation, optimization, prognostic and other)

5. Reservoirs for water supply and irrigation (demands; water quality; systems of reservoirs)

6. Reservoirs for water supply cont. (supply reliability analysis; seasonal and multiannual management)

7. Management of reservoirs for hydropower purpose

8. Reservoir for flood control purpose (analysis for required period of operation; additional measures; safety during floods)

9. Flood control of reservoirs.

10. Water management analysis of sophisticated schemes and systems of reservoirs

11. Environmental aspects and geophysical impacts of reservoirs, temperature regime in reservoirs

12. Dry flood control reservoirs and polders

13. Particularities of small reservoirs and fish ponds.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Environmental issues of reservoirs. Discussion. Small expert survey (task 1). Assignment of seminar papers.

2. Graphical and numerical methods of water management solutions (task 2).

3. Placement of a reservoir in a valley (task 3).

4. Statistical and autocorrelation analysis of flow series (problem #4).

5. Modelling of synthetic river flow series (task 5).

6. Continuation of Task 5.

7. Solution of a direct drawdown storage reservoir I (task 6).

8. Solution of the storage tank with direct draw-off II (continuation of task No.6).

9. Compensatory runoff control (Task 7).

10. Solution of the protective function of the reservoir I. Flood wave transformation (Task 8)

11. Solution of the protective function of the reservoir II. Safety of the dam. Operational management of the reservoir during a flood (continuation of Task 8)

12. Operational management of the reservoir storage function during hydrological drought I. (Task 9)

13. Operational management of the reservoir storage function during hydrological drought II (continuation of Task 9)

Cíle studia:

The aim of the study is to teach students the basic principles of design and management of reservoirs and water management systems.

Studijní materiály:

!Karamouz, M., Szidarovszky, F., Zahraie, B.: Water Resources Systems Analysis. Lewis Publishers. 2003, CRC Press; ISBN 978-1-56670-642-1

!Votruba, L., Broža, V.: Water Management in Reservoirs. Elsevier, Publisher in co-edition with SNTL-Publishers of Technical Literature, Prague, 1989. ISBN 0-444-98933-1

Další informace:
Moodle course
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Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2024
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