
User Interface Design

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BIE-TUR Z,ZK 4 2P+2C anglicky
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katedra číslicového návrhu

Students have a basic overview of the methods for designing and testing common user interfaces. They have experience to solve the problems where software and other products do not communicate with the user optimally, since the needs and characteristics of users are not taken into account during product development. Students gain an overview of the methods that bring users into the development process to ensure optimal communication with a user.


Students must have a basic idea about SW systems design and their life cycle.

Osnova přednášek:

1. Introduction into the area of user interfaces. Usability, user centered design.

2. Design evaluation: predicitive and interpretative techniques.

3. Design evaluation: usability testing.

4. Context and domain analysis.

5. User research, ethical aspects, collaborative design. Personae.

6. Information architecture design.

7. Prototyping user interfaces (paper mock-up, software tools).

8. Psychology of interaction and user interface guidelines.

9. Patterns of design and user behavior

10. User support, navigation and classification.

11. Ergonimics.

12. Special user interfaces, accessibility.

13. The position of UI design in software life cycle.

Osnova cvičení:

1. The impact of poor design. Project topics offered.

2. Low fidelity/low tech prototyping. Team formation, project assignment.

3. An analysis of example web interfaces.

4. Project status presentation & discussion.

5. Prototyping (Denim, HTML, Flash, Visual Basic,...).

6. Cognitive and heuristic walkthrough, inspection.

7. Project status presentation & discussion.

8. Metaphor construction.

9. User perception, the use of color.

10. Project status presentation & discussion.

11. Graphical design.

12. Project presentation.

13. Test.

Cíle studia:

Many (software and other) products do not communicate with the user optimally. The main cause is that the needs and characteristics of users are not taken into account during product development. In this module, students gain an overview of the methods that involve users in the development process to ensure optimal communication with the user.

Studijní materiály:

1. Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C. ''Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (4th Edition)''. Addison Wesley, 2004. ISBN 0321197860.

2. Nielsen, J. ''Usability Engineering''. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. ISBN 0125184069.

3. Galitz, W. O. ''The Essential Guide to User Interface Design''. Wiley, 2002. ISBN 0471084646.

4. Heinsen, S., Vogt, P. ''Usability praktisch umsetzen''. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2003. ISBN 3446222723.


Information about the course and courseware are available at https://courses.fit.cvut.cz/BI-TUR/

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Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2024
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