
Study plan Bachelor branch Security and Information Technology, in English, 2015-2020

Study programme: Welcome page Study type: unknown full-time
Recommended study pathway: Bachelor branch Security and Information Technology, in English, 2015-2020
Code Course group name   credits
Compulsory courses in the program
BIE-PP.2015 Compulsory Courses od Study Program Infomatics, Presented in English, Version 2015 In this group you have to gain 116 credits
In this group you have to complete 20 courses
Minimal number of credits 116
Compulsory courses of the specialization
BIE-PO-BIT.2015 Compulsory Courses of Bc. Branch Security and Information Technology, in English, Version 2015 In this group you have to gain 32 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 7 courses
Minimal number of credits 32
Compulsory elective economic-management courses
BIE-PV-EM.2015 Compulsory Elective Economics, and Management Courses, in English, Version 2015 In this group you have to gain at least 4 credits (at most 10)
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
Minimal number of credits 4
Povinné ekonomické
BIE-PP-EM.2015 Compulsory Economics and Management Bachelor Courses, in English, Version 2015 In this group you have to gain 4 credits
In this group you have to complete 1 course
Minimal number of credits 4
Compulsory elective humanities courses
BIE-PV-HU.2015 Compulsory Elective Bachelor Social Courses, Presented in English, Ver. 2015 In this group you have to gain at least 2 credits (at most 9)
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course ( at most  3)
Minimal number of credits 2
Elective courses
BIE-V-PRO_MG Elective Courses, Suitable for those who intend to apply for Master's program at FIT, in English
BIE-BIT-VO.2017 Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Branch BIE-BIT, Version 2017
BIE-V.2017 Purely Elective Bachelor Courses, Version 2017
Minimal number of credits 0
Total number of required credits 158
Number of elective courses credits you have to gain 22
Total number of credits 180

The study plan is intended for those students who have been accepted to study since the academic year 2015/2016.

Compulsory Elective Bachelor Social Courses, Presented in English, Ver. 2015 [BIE-PV-HU.2015]

Faculty guarantees the availability of these modules.

Elective Courses, Suitable for those who intend to apply for Master's program at FIT, in English [BIE-V-PRO_MG]

Modules in this group are recommended for students who intend to enroll to master program at FIT.

Data valid to 2025-02-01
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/stplan30010066.html