
Elective Courses NAUE

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
500CAD3 Computer Aided Design III English B241
500CAD4 Computer Aided Design IV English KZ 2 0P+2C B242
500PG1 Computer Graphics I English KZ 2 0P+2C KZ 2 0P+2C B242, B241
500SAT Contemporary Architecture English ZK 2 2P+0C B242
500DC1 Design Computing I - BIM English KZ 2 1P+1C B241
500DC2 Design Computing II - Architecture English KZ 2 1P+1C B242
500DC3 Design Computing III - Geometry English KZ 2 1P+1C B241
500ATV Design Studio - Elective English B242, B241
500DS Diploma Seminar English KZ 2 0P+2C B242, B241
500EKL3 Ecology III - Social Ecology English KZ 2 2P+0C B241
500DA1-2 History of Architecture I/II English ZK 2 2P+0C B241
500DA5 History of Architecture Modern Architecture English ZK 2 2P+0C B241
500I2 Interior-History of Interior English ZK 2 2P+0C B242
500I3 Interior-History of Theatre English ZK 2 2P+0C B241
500TKZ3 Landscape Architecture III - Technology
English KZ 2 2P+0C B242
500SU Smart Urbanism English Z,ZK 2 2P+0C B242
500CAD5 Spatial Analysis English KZ 2 1P+1C B241
500TA1 Theory of Architecture and Esthetics English B241
500UP2 Urban Planning II English KZ 2 1P+1C B242
500U31 Urbanism III - Theory English KZ 2 1P+1C B241
Data valid to 2025-02-02
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30023867-ELECTIVE_NAUE.html