NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Recommended study pathway Passage through study

Study plan: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

1st semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BEEZZ Basic health and occupational safety regulations Z 0 2BP+2BC Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B01MA1 Calculus 1 Z,ZK 7 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B01DMG Discrete Mathematics and Graphs Z,ZK 5 3P+1S Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B01LAL Linear Algebra Z,ZK 8 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B33PRG Programming Essentials Z,ZK 6 2P+2C Z compulsory course in the program
BEEZB Safety in Electrical Engineering for a bachelor´s degree Z 0 2BP+2BC Z,L compulsory course in the program
BEECSVOL Elective special subjects 0 elective course

2nd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BE5B33ALG Algorithms Z,ZK 6 2P+2C Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B01MA2 Calculus 2 Z,ZK 7 4P+2S L compulsory course in the program
BE5B01DEN Differential Equations&Numerical Methods Z,ZK 7 4P+2C L compulsory course in the program
BE5B15MAA Mathematical Applications Z,ZK 4 0P+4C L compulsory course in the program
BE5B02PH1 Physics 1 Z,ZK 8 4P+1L+2C L compulsory course in the program

3rd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BE5B31ZEO Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Z,ZK 5 2P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B02PH2 Physics 2 Z,ZK 7 3P+1L+2C Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B01PRS Probability and Statistics Z,ZK 7 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
BEECSPV Compulsory subjetcs of the branch 39 compulsory elective course

4th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BE5B34ELP Electron Devices Z,ZK 5 2P+2L L compulsory course in the program
BE5B34MIK Microcontrollers Z,ZK 6 2P+2L L compulsory course in the program
BEECSPV Compulsory subjetcs of the branch 39 compulsory elective course
BEECSVOL Elective special subjects 0 elective course

5th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BE5B99PRO Project Z 10 2P+2S+6D Z compulsory course in the program
BEECSPV Compulsory subjetcs of the branch 39 compulsory elective course
BEECSVOL Elective special subjects 0 elective course

6th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BBAP20 Bachelor thesis Z 20 12S L,Z compulsory course in the program
BE5B16EPD Business Economics KZ 4 2P+2S Z,L compulsory course in the program
BEECSVOL Elective special subjects 0 elective course
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/pruchod30038257.html