
Principles of Management

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
32BE-P-MNPR-01 Z,ZK 7 2P+2C English
Course guarantor:
Dagmar Skokanová
Dagmar Skokanová
Dagmar Skokanová
Institute of Management Studies

The purpose of the course is to give a basic perspective of Management theories and Practices. This will form foundation to study other functional areas of management. Together we will explore the things managers do and how it affects the compnay’s ultimate success or failure. We’ll evaluate the standards for good management and how their role as a leader impacts the organization.


Assessment methods and criteria:

Term paper30 %

Presentation20 %

Exam30 %

Participation and attendance20 %

Total100 %

Syllabus of lectures:

Topic 1: Introduction

Introduction: definitions of management and leadership, managerial roles and functions; exploding the common myths of managment, Science or Art? Managing people and organizations in the context of Todays‘ Manager, the Challenges of Management

Topic 2: The Global Manager – Managing with a ‚boundaryless‘ attitude.

The Managers Changing Work Environment & Responsibilities and the Global Manager

Topic 3: Management Theory

Scientific Management (Fredrick W.Taylor), Human Relations (Elton Mayo, Douglas Mc Gregor's Theory X and Theory Y), Motivational theories: Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Frederick Herzberg’s two factors, David McLelland’s needs theory

Topic 4: Evaluating power within leadership theory

5 types of power - of power (legitimate, expert, referent, coercive, reward), Thomas-Kilmann model of Conflict Styles, implications of the model.

Topic 5: Global Leadership Theory

Trait approach and Contingency approaches to leadership, Dimensions of Leadership, Leadership Behavior and styles, developing leadership skills, transformational and transactional leaders

Topic 6: Leadership skills

Distinguishing mentoring and coaching, the skills required to perform an advisory role, assertivity: behaviour and impact.

Topic 7: Managing work, customers, employees and self

Identifying personal learning style and implications thereof, delagating skills, meeting skills, giving and receiving feedback, the becesity of personal reflection.

Topic 8: Groups and Teams

Groups v teams, Stages of team life cycle, roles of team members, danger of group think, determining standards of performance, commitment to the team.

Topic 9: Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

Interpersonal communication Barriers to Effective communication, Communication in Organizations, Using Communication Skills to manage Conflicts. Communicating for understanding and results, creating productive interpersonal relationships.

Topic 10: Organizational Change and Innovation

Nature of organizing, organization levels and span of management – Factors determining span - Organisational design and structure –line and staff concepts, staffing – delegation, decentralization and recentralisation of authority - responsive organizations.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

•Describe what an organization is and the role that managers play in organizations.

•Describe the environment in which organizations conduct business and how this influences their management.

•Describe the practices used in contemporary organizations to facilitate good management.

•Differentiate between leadership and management and the skills needed to perform both roles.

Study materials:


Robbins, Decenzo, and Coulter (2013), Fundamentals of Management, Essential Concepts and Applications, 8th ed., Prentice Hall


Badaracco, Joseph L. Defining Moments, When Managers Must Choose Between Right and Wrong. Boston: Harvard Business School Press

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet8132506.html