
Conventional Imaging Systems

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7ABBKZS Z,ZK 4 2P+1C+1L English
In order to register for the course F7ABBKZS, the student must have successfully completed the course F7ABBFY2 in a previous semester.
In order to register for the course F7ABBTZS, the student must have successfully completed the course F7ABBKZS.
Course guarantor:
Jiří Hozman
Martin Čapek, Tomáš Dřížďal, Jiří Hozman, Martin Rožánek
Martin Čapek, Jiří Hozman, Evgeniia Karnoub
Department of Biomedical Technology

Electromagnetic radiation spectrum and relationship to the modalities of medical diagnostic imaging systems. Fundamentals of imaging theory. Application of 2D FT. Transmission properties of imaging systems. Optical imaging systems including microscopic. Television imaging systems (including video endoscopic imaging systems). Basic digital image pre-processing methods. Infrared imaging systems (thermal imaging/IR imaging systems). X-ray imaging systems. Gamma imaging systems. Lectures and especially the laboratory exercises provide students with an overview of the principles of image formation in medicine for conventional imaging systems and methods. There are described methods for image data sensing, digitization and subsequent processing and principles of function and properties of sensing image devices in context, which is especially relevant from the interdisciplinary point of view of the whole course and study specialization.

Knowledge, skills and competences:

The student is able to explain the basic physical principle of the given modalities and knows its layout including the principle of image formation.

The student is able to assess, on the basis of standard definition of technical parameters that imaging system meets the physician requirements for selected modality. Such knowledge is a prerequisite to the correct process technology selection and application of the modalities as well as the minimum necessary to ensure the required quality of the resulting image data.


Course requirement:

Physics from the point of view of the interaction of radiation with matter, particle physics, optics, and from this follows the requirements for a prerequisite for registration of the course. The theory of systems it is also suitable for.

Assessment and exam requirements:

Participation is mandatory on all exercises. Non-participation is possible for serious reasons only (to be substantiated).

At the end of each lesson (exercise in PC lab), the fulfilled assignment must be given to the teacher for the current week.

It is not possible to take the exam without obtaining the credit and enrolling it in the CTU IS KOS.

The exam is based on the written test and this one consists of a two variants of questions. The so called MCQ, i.e. ABC answer variant (one answer is correct only) with 1 point, i.e. 0 or 1 point. Marking multiple answers means 0 points, no answer means 0 points, bad answer means zero points. The second variant of answers includes the so called open questions (important questions), i.e. 5 points (0 to 5 points). Correct answer can be assessed from 0 to 5 points based on quality of the answer. The whole test consists of a total of 36 questions, of which 20 MCQ (abc) for 1 point and 16 open questions for 5 points. There is required minimum 50 points and there is available max. 100 points. Assessment of the test according to ECTS table (classification grades) is given in the CTU Study and examination code. The total time reserved for the test is 120 minutes. After the test, this one is corrected and there is possible to improve the whole test result if the test result is at the grade boundaries (typically max. by -2 points).

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Classifications of imaging systems, methods and techniques. Illustration of individual imaging modalities.

2. Fundamentals of imaging theory. Transmission properties and functions of imaging systems (PSF, MTF, FWHM).

3. Optical imaging systems

4. Fluorescence microscopy

5. Confocal laser microscopy

6. High-end super-resolution microscopic systems STED and N-SIM

7. Electron microscopy (TEM, EELS)

8. Television imaging systems.

9. Chain for image sensing and digitization. Basic digital image pre-processing methods.

10. Endoscopic imaging systems

11. Infrared imaging systems

12. X-ray imaging systems - sources, layout, parts description, X-ray spectrum, X-ray detectors.

13. X-ray imaging systems - X-ray - TV systems (Image Intensifiers - II), angiography (DSA), digital radiography (DR)

14. Conventional gamma imaging systems (Anger type gamma camera).

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Matlab computations within the imaging systems

2. Transfer properties and functions of imaging systems (PSF, OTF, MTF, PTF, FWHM). 2D FT applications

3. Optical imaging systems

4. Fluorescence microscopy

5. Confocal laser microscopy

6. High-end superresolution microscopy - STED a N-SIM

7. Elektron microscopy (TEM, EELS)

8. Television imaging systems

9. Image signal sensing and digitization chain. Fundamental methods for image preprocessing

10. Endoscopic imaging systems

11. Infrared imaging systems

12. X-ray imaging systems - power supplies, arrangement, description of main parts, X-ray spectrum, X-ray detectors

13. X-ray imaging systems - X-ray-TV systems, angiography (DSA), digital radiography

14. Conventional gama imaging systems (Anger gammakamera)

The exercises will take place both in the PC classroom (lab), in the laboratory of CTU FBME as well as in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., in the IMG institute in Prague 4, Krč, specifically in the laboratories involved in the Czech Bioimaging Group.

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with general fundamentals of imaging process theory, sensing methods, evaluation and processing of image information, image signal properties, principles of image formation, structure and general quantitative assessment of the quality of conventional imaging modalities used in medicine and the resulting limitations and risks.

Study materials:


[1] Image Sensing and Digitization - Microscopy Imaging Systems [online]. Jiří Hozman. Poslední změna 18. 10. 2013 [cit. 2017-09-27]. URL: http://webzam.fbmi.cvut.cz/hozman/

[2] Webb's physics of medical imaging. 2nd ed. Editor M. A. FLOWER. Boca Raton: CRC, c2012. Series in medical physics and biomedical engineering. ISBN 978-0-7503-0573-0. (1st ed. is also available in library)


[3] HRAZDIRA, Ivo a Vojtěch MORNSTEIN. Fundamentals of biophysics and medical technology. 2nd, rev. ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5758-6.

Study tools:

Image Sensing and Digitization - Microscopy Imaging Systems - educational SW MIPS [online]. Jiří Hozman. Last change 18. 10. 2013 [cit. 2017-09-27]. URL: http://webzam.fbmi.cvut.cz/hozman/

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Hozman J.
Čapek M.

(lecture parallel1)
Kladno FBMI
Karnoub E.
Hozman J.


(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.1)

Kladno FBMI
Rožánek M.
Dřížďal T.

(lecture parallel2)
Kladno FBMI
Karnoub E.
Hozman J.


(lecture parallel1)
Kladno FBMI
Hozman J.
Čapek M.

(lecture parallel1)
Kladno FBMI
Rožánek M.
Dřížďal T.

(lecture parallel2)
Kladno FBMI
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-16
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6171306.html