
Adaptation of Urban Structures to Climate Changes

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
D27ASK_EN ZK 2P English
Course guarantor:
Jiří Kupka
Jiří Kupka, Michael Pondělíček
Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning

The content of the course is the elaboration of a seminar work focused on a specific territorial unit (municipality) and preparation of materials for the planning documentation. Evaluation of the state of the territory, completion of the Territorial Analytical Data, evaluation of the requirements arising from the Spatial Development Policy and the Principles of Spatial Development, determination of problems to be resolved in the territory and elaboration of the zoning plan of the given municipality. Part of the work will also be an evaluation of functional systems of the municipality and requirements for the completion of public infrastructure and determination of urban development concept based on its own investigation.


The student will be able to work with professional literature on adaptation to the effects of climate change, the student will be able to imagine a model of perception of the effects of climate change in cities according to geographical conditions, the student will be able to prepare and search for an assortment of applicable adequate measures and examples from the field of climate change impacts and is able to work independently and think in this area unburdened by theoretical problems of adaptation (mitigation, CO2, etc.), the student is able to assess the selected structure, choose appropriate adaptation strategies and procedures and combine the appropriate with the useful together with a small prognosis of the

Syllabus of lectures:
Syllabus of tutorials:


Study Objective:

The aim of the study is to broaden the student's horizons and approach to urban space as much as possible with ways of adaptation techniques, ways of thinking about the effects of climate change in cities and, without linking to general clichés of adaptation (e.g. the main role of vegetation in the city), to find out what a mosaic of effective adaptation measures for cities looks like from the perspective of an urban planner and designer.

The course should enable the student to engage in the design and planning of effective and effective measures for adaptation to climate change and its impacts, and also to enable understanding of priorities, perception of the population

Study materials:

Bízek V., Pondělíček M., Adaptace sídel, CPP, Praha 2016 ( chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/http://www.adaptacesidel.cz/data/upload/2016/09/Adaptace_kniha_ISBN-978-80-87756-09-6.pdf nebo na http://www.adaptacesidel.cz/default/kategorie?prispevek=145)

Adapterra awards - databáze konferencí a příkladů (https://www.adapterraawards.cz/cs/Databaze)

Adaptace na změnu klimatu - oficiální materiály (https://www.mzp.cz/cz/adaptace_na_zmenu_klimatu)

Metodiky adaptací v hl.m. Praha (https://adaptacepraha.cz/metodiky/)

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6115106.html