NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Quantitative research methods in economy 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
XP16ECM1 ZK 4 2P+4D Czech
Course guarantor:
Lubomír Lízal
Lubomír Lízal
Lubomír Lízal
Department of Economics, Management and Humanities

This course is a direct sequel to Statistics/Linear regression. The objective of the course is to expose the student to variety of common and practical econometric challenges with the ultimate goal of gaining a stronger appreciation of strengths and weaknesses of econometric methodology and to overview historical developments in applied econometrics. The course assumes familiarity with the general linear model and knowledge how to deal with basic model and data deficiencies, simultaneous systems, and simple time-series processes. The course will start developing theoretical topics covered in the essential courses on Econometrics. The course will follow with different empirical research projects drawn from the literature. Each project will be introduced by the relevant economic theory-model. Using own and empirical data sets, the students will apply standard econometrics methods to answer basic economic questions. Exercise sessions will provide introduction into advance use of statistical packages (best is TSP or Stata or their derivatives like E-views) and a feedback on possible solutions of problem sets. The course will require intensive work with data and statistical packages.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basic regression and testing, intrinsically linear models

2. Variable choice, specification, and functional forms,

3. Heteroskedasticity

4. Autocorrelation,

5. Dummy variables,

6. Multicollinearity and distributer lags (geometric lag, PDL),

7. SUR (seemingly unrelated regression),

8. Simultaneous equations,

9. Dichotomous choice,

10. Errors in variables,

11. Basics of limited dependent variables,

12. Selected topics, e.g., basics of panel data

13. Selected topics cont.

14. Reserve and revision

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:
Study materials:


1. William Greene, Econometrics Analysis, Pearson, 8th edition, ISBN 0134461363, 2017


2. Jeffrey Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 6th Edition, ISBN: 9781305270107, 2016

3. Jan Kmenta, Elements of Econometrics, Macmillan, NY, 1990.

4. Lott and Ray, Applied Econometrics, Orlando FL, The Dryden Press, 1992 (selected chapters only, accompanied with the datasets of the original research).

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-15
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6031606.html