
Drainage and treatment of waste waters

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
144SCOV Z,ZK 8 4P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
David Stránský
Karel Kříž, Jana Nábělková, Jaroslav Pollert, David Stránský
Karel Kříž, Jana Nábělková, Jaroslav Pollert, David Stránský, Kateřina Škvařilová
Department of Urban Water Management

Basics of sewer and waste water systems are described and explained in the lessons. In the first part, lessons focus on history of sewer systems and development of its purpose in time. Further, different types, layouts, means of waste water transport and disposition of sewers are described. Waste waters and storm waters are characterized. Hydraulic design of sewer systems is explained and practised. Further, sewer system structures, construction and rehabilitation methods of sewer system and OHS are discussed. In the second part, waste water composition is described together with waste water treatment process. Different layouts of waste water treatment plants are explained; consequent stages of treatment process are described in a detail, including sludge management. Design methods and calculations are explained and practised.


credit - protocols from exercises, exam - written test

Syllabus of lectures:

1. History and purpose of sewer systems, Waste waters, storm waters

2. Types and layouts of sewer systems, transport of waste waters, disposition of sewers

3. Hydraulic design of separate sewage sewer system

4. Storm water surface runoff, hydraulic design of combined sewer system and separate storm water sewer system

5. Sewer system structures

6. Processes and technology of construction and rehabilitation of sewer systems, occupational health and safety in design and construction of sewer systems

7. Inorganic substances in waste waters, organic substances in waste waters

8. Introduction to waste waters treatment, waste water treatment plant (WWTP) load, WWTP capacity

9. WWTP mechanical part

10. WWTP biological part, nutrients removal, aeration and biomass

11. WWTP sludge management

12. Domestic WWTPs, constructed wetlands

13. WWTP hydrobiology, hydrobiology of receiving water

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Horizontal disposition of sewers (minimum nad maximum velocities, shear stress)

2. Waste water discharge calculation

3. Hydraulic design of separate sewage sewer system - calculations

4. Storm water discharge calculation

5. Hydraulic design of separate storm water sewer system - calculations

6. Hydraulic design of combined sewer system - calculations

7. Retention and infiltration devices - calculations

8. WWTP capacity - calculations

9. Screens - calculations

10. Sedimentation tank - calculations

11. Aeration tank - calculations

12. Hydrobiology - laboratory works

13. Discussion workshop - lessons learned

Study Objective:

Students will master methods leading to proper site-specific structural design of sewer system and waste water treatment plants and adopted main types of processes in technological units of interest.

Study materials:

Nypl, V., Synáčková, M.: Zdravotní inženýrství 30 - Stokování, 2001, ČVUT Praha

Hlavínek, P.; Mičín, J.; Prax, P. Příručka stokování a čištění. Brno: NOEL 2000 s.r.o. 2001. 251 s. ISBN 80-86020-30-4

Butler, D., Davies, J.W.: Urban Drainage 2nd ed., ISBN 0-203-34190-2

Vladimír Krejčí a kol.: Odvodnění urbanizovaných území, 2001, NOEL 2000, ISBN 80-86020-39-8

Vesilund, P.A.: Wastewater Treatment Plant Design (Book + Student Workbook) 2003, ISBN: 1 84339 024 8, 1 84339 052 3

Dohányos, M. a kol. Anaerobní čistírenské technologie. Brno: NOEL 2000 s.r.o. 1998. 343 s. ISBN 80-86020-19-3

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.101)

Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-23
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5562406.html