
Engineering Design II.

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
E131023 Z,ZK 5 2P+3C English
Course guarantor:
Department of Designing and Machine Components

Theoretical fundamentals of GPS (Geometrical Product Specification). Students will get critical knowledge about ISO system of limits and fits, tolerancing, surface texture, geometrical tolerance, dimensional loops, tolerancing of angles and cones, tolerancing of threads. Integral part of course is a project where students apply and practice their knowledge from lectures.


Basic rules of representation and dimensions of parts. (Engineering Design I)

Syllabus of lectures:

1) Lecture 1: Introduction, Theory of Gearing

2) Lecture 2: Longitudinal Tolerances

3) Lecture 3:

4) Lecture 4: Longitudinal Tolerances - Examples

5) Lecture 5: Surface Textures

6) Lecture 6: Geometrical Tolerances, Tolerance of Hole Position

7) Lecture 7

8) Lecture 8: Dimensional Loops

9) Lecture 9: Tolerancing of Cones

10) Lecture 10

11) Lecture 11

12) Lecture 12

Syllabus of tutorials:

1) Tutorial 1: Gears

2) Tutorial 2: Splines

3) Tutorial 3: Hub and Shaft Joint

4) Tutorial 4: Hub and Shaft Joint, Task 1 Deadline

5) Tutorial 5:

6) Tutorial 6

7) Tutorial 7: Spindle Unit, Task 2 Deadline

8) Tutorial 8: Dimensional Loops

9) Tutorial 9

10) Tutorial 10

11) Tutorial 11

12) Tutorial 12

Study Objective:

Understanding of basic principles of design procedures and tolerancing.

Study materials:

[1] KŘIVÝ, POSPÍCHAL : Fundamentals of design I, English texts

[2] KŘIVÝ : Fundamentals of design II - Rules of Interchangeability, English texts

[3] SLANEC, K. Konstruování - Geometrická přesnost výrobků, díl 1 až 3. ČVUT Praha (Czech).

[4] DRASTÍK, F. Strojnické tabulky pro konstrukci i dílnu. (Mechanical Standards for Design and Workshop - Czech) or VÁVRA, P. Strojnické tabulky

[5] Rolling bearings. SKF Main Catalogue. PUB BU/P1 10000/2 EN. August 2013

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-19
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5291306.html