
Water-management Schemes

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
142VHSO Z,ZK 5 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Pavel Fošumpaur
Pavel Fošumpaur
Pavel Fošumpaur
Department of Hydraulic Structures

The course includes an explanation of system methods for the design and management of water management systems. System definition, system representation, mathematical models. Fundamentals of programming. Optimization methods. Probabilistic methods. Basic types of probability distributions. Statistical derivation of design values of hydrological variables. Synthetic series modelling methods. Simulation models. Artificial intelligence methods. Operational management of water management systems.


- Active participation in seminars.

- Processing and submission of correctly and completely solved problems according to the assignment.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the subject. Importance of system and probabilistic methods in water management. Systems thinking. Defining a system on a water management system.

2. Mathematical models of water management systems. Introduction to simulation models. Fundamentals of programming and algorithm development.

3. Optimization methods with examples - part 1. Linear programming. Non-derivative methods (simplex method). Derivative methods (maximum gradient method, Newton's method).

4. Optimization methods with examples - part 2. Non-linear programming. Dynamic programming. Multi-criteria optimization.

5. Basic properties of random processes in water management. Types of probability distributions of processes in WH. Assessment of the conformity of empirical and theoretical distributions. Probability graphs. Stationarity of a random process.

6. Estimation theory. Basic methods for determining parameters. Method of moments. Maximum likelihood method.

7. Stochastic methods for determining N-year flows and determining N-year design flood waves. Suitable types of probability distributions, our and foreign practice.

8. Hydrological drought. Probabilistic characteristics of minimum flows (method of scarcity volumes).

9. Deterministic approach for determining N-year design PV using a hydrological model.

10. Simulation models of hydrological systems - protection function. Design and optimization of parameters of retention reservoirs and their functional objects using simulation models.

11. Modelling of random flow series. Box-Jenkins methodology models. Fragment method. Modelling of random flow series in a system of stations. Central and satellite station method. Principal component method.

12. Simulation models of water management systems - storage and energy functions. Algorithms for multiple reservoir cooperation.

13. Basics of artificial intelligence. Artificial neural networks. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. Genetic algorithms. Applications in water management.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Fundamentals of algorithm design

2. Introduction to programming (MATLAB)

3. Introduction to Programming (MATLAB)

4. Reservoir function and storage function algorithm.

5. Linear programming.

6. First filling of the reservoir.

7. First filling of the reservoir - continuation.

8. Algorithm for creating the dispatch graph.

9. Reservoir energy function optimization.

10. Stochastic methods.

11. Deterministic hydrological model HEC HMS.

12. Simulation modelling of water management systems.

13. Flood risk.

Study Objective:

The aim of the study is to learn fundamental system and probabilistic methods used for conceptual tasks of design and control of water management systems.

Study materials:

!Loucks, D. P., Beek, E. van. (2017). Water Resource Systems Planning and management: An introduction to methods, models, and applications. Springer.

!Nacházel, K., Patera, A., Přenosilová, E., Toman, M. Vodohospodářské soustavy, vydav. ČVUT Praha 1997.

!Votruba, L. a kol. Vodohospodářské soustavy, Nakl. techn. lit., Praha 1979.

!Karamouz, M., Szidarovszki, F., Zahraie, B. Water Resources Systems Analysis, Lewis Publishers, USA, 2003.

?Mimikou, M. A., Baltas, E. A., Tsihrintzis, V. A. (2018). Hydrology and Water Resource Systems Analysis. CRC Press.

?Jain, S. K., Singh, V. P. (2003). Water Resources Systems Planning and Management. Elsevier.

:Webové stránky předmětu jsou v systému Moodle ČVUT zde: https://moodle-vyuka.cvut.cz/course/view.php?id=6204

Further information:
Webové stránky předmětu jsou v systému Moodle ČVUT.
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.101)

Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-01
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4931906.html