
Modelling and Simulation of Radionuclide Migration in the Environment

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
15MSZP Z,ZK 3 2+1 Czech
Course guarantor:
Dušan Vopálka
Aleš Vetešník, Dušan Vopálka
Aleš Vetešník, Dušan Vopálka
Department of Nuclear Chemistry

Introduction in ecological modelling focused on the problems of radionuclide migration in the environment. Formulation of mathematical and computer models, characterization of their qualities. Models of dissolved contaminants interaction with the solids phase, including sophisticated multi-component models. Practical modelling in the PHREEQC environment. Simulation exercises with transport codes prepared in the GoldSim environment.


Solution of a problem of contaminant migration using tools introduced in the course.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.The feature of modelled system (mathematical models, system and its elements, modelling, verification, validation, simulation, parametric studies).

2.Equilibrium and kinetics of interaction processes,

3.The basic description of the migration process in porous media (1D-, 2D- and 3D-models, retardation coefficient, the processes of interaction, dispersion and convection).

4.Experimental methods of study of interaction and migration processes.

5.Basic types of ecological models: „black box“ and conceptual modes, multi-compartment analysis.

6.Overview of basic methods of solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

7.Verification and validation of a computer model, uncertainties caused by the choice of the partial model and/or of its parameters.

8.The patterns of equilibrium states and kinetics of interaction processes (one- and multi-components systems and the influence of equilibrium and kinetics on the migration).

9.Methods of evaluation of complex environmental models and the role of simulation computations.

10.Migration of radionuclides in the near- and far-field of repositories.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Equilibrium and kinetic models of partial models, fitting of parameters of partial processes (with practical exercise).

2.Overview of speciation (geochemical) codes and description of their use in the modelling of contaminant fate in the environment (with demonstration and practical exercise).

3.Simulation experiments: factor and optimization modelling - demonstration and practical exercise.

4.Speciation of radionuclides in complex systems - demonstration and practical exercise.

5.Modelling of diffusion in the GoldSim environment - demonstration and practical exercise.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: the feature of modelled systems; the meaning of: modelling, verification, validation and simulation; equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamic in porous media; equilibrium and kinetic models of the interaction processes; the patterns of dispersion processes and of the moving of underground water; importance of simulation exercises for safety analysis of disposals of radioactive wastes

Competencies: methods of determination of sub-models parameters; evaluation of contaminant sorption on natural materials; principal orientation in geochemical modelling; the use of prepared complex models (GoldSim environment) for simulation study of diffusion transport in barrier materials

Study materials:

Recommended literature:

Štamberg K.: Modelling of the Migration Processes in Environment (in czech), CTU Publishing House, Prague 1996 and 1998.

Grenthe I., Puigdomenech I. (Eds.): Modelling in Aquatic Chemistry, NEA OECD, Paris 1997.

Galson D.A. a Richardson P.J.: PAMINA - Performance Assessment Methodologies in Application to Guide the Development of the Safety Case, Project Summary Report, Galson Sciences Limited, 2011.

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Vopálka D.
(lecture parallel1)
Břehová 7
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-18
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4047206.html