Presentation and Communication Skills
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
16XNP | Z,ZK | 5 | 0P+3C | Czech |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Institute of Management Studies
- Synopsis:
By practicing and exercising, the students learn how to communicate successfully and how to prepare and provide speeches adequate for different situations. They will understand principals of verbal and nonverbal communication, structure and different drafts of informative and persuasive speeches, they will go through creative writing and some basic vocal training. They will learn how to use different methods of argumentation, how to deal with questions and to use visual aids.
- Requirements:
- Syllabus of lectures:
Main concepts and principles of communication and presentations
Social contact, social perception
Verbal communication
Rhetoric and speaking skills
Active listening
Nonverbal communication
Presentations skills
- Syllabus of tutorials:
- Study Objective:
The aim of the subject is to foster students presentation a communication skills in order to enhance the persuasiveness of their presentations and their ability to communicate effectively especially within their workplace and in the business area.
- Study materials:
Medlíková, O. Umíte prezentovat? Odpověď zní ano! Praha: PART media, 2005.
Špačková, A. Moderní rétorika. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2009
Nollke, C. Umění prezentace. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004
Basu, R. Zakázané přesvědčovací techniky. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011
Buzan, T. Mentální mapování. Praha: Portál, 2007
Ellsberg, M. Síla očního kontaktu. Praha: Beta, 2011
Khelerová, V. Komunikační dovednosti manažera. Praha: Grada Publishing, 1995
Štěpaník, J. Umění jednat s lidmi 2: Komunikace. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2003
Covey, S. R. 7 návyků skutečně efektivních lidí. Praha: Management Press, 2011
Pease A. Řeč těla. Jak porozumět druhým z jejich gest, mimiky a postojů těla. Praha: Portál, 2001
Bruno, T., Adamczyk,G. Řeč těla. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007
Goleman, D. Emoční inteligence. Praha: Columbus, 1997
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- N-PRI-prez.forma od 10/11 (compulsory elective course)
- N-RRP-prez.forma od 10/11 (compulsory elective course)
- N-PRI-prez.forma od 11/12 (compulsory elective course)
- N-RRP-prez.forma od 11/12 (compulsory elective course)
- N-PRI-prez.forma od 12/13 (compulsory elective course)
- N-RRP-prez.forma od 12/13 (compulsory elective course)
- N-PRI-prez.forma od 13/14 (compulsory elective course)
- N-RRP-prez.forma od 13/14 (compulsory elective course)
- N-PRI-prez. forma od 14/15 (compulsory elective course)
- N-RRP-prez. forma od 14/15 (compulsory elective course)