
Elements of Electronics

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
AE8B31ELE KZ 4 2P English
Course guarantor:
Department of Circuit Theory

The subject AE8B31ELE (B-ELE) is a free continuation of the subject AE8B32IES

(B-IES), now with technical contents yet, that provides elementary basis of electrical and electronic engineering, describes and explains common contexts among electrical phenomena, that are important for subsequent specialized subjects (for instance AE8B31CIR (B-CIR), AE8B31DIT (B-DIT), AE8B31EMT (B-EMT), AE8B31SAS

(B-SAS).). The subject education uses relatively simple, elementary mathematical and physical methods adequate to the 2nd semester of the bachelor study stage. The subject provides basis of:

- electromagnetic field and electrical circuit theory

- semiconductor components theory

- signal and system theory

- digital and microprocessor technique.


Solid knowledge of mathematics and physics specified in subjects

AE8B01LAG (B-LAG), AE8B01MC1 (B-MC1), AE8B02PH1 (B-PH1).

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Electromagnetic field theory and electrical circuit theory

a. Environment classification. Conditions for potential definition, potential in electrostatic field. Electrostatic field - Laplace and Poisson equation, solution of 1D problems for potential.

b. Gauss theorem for electrostatic field. Electric field strength E, electric induction flux density (electric induction) D, solution of simple problems by direct integration. Principal of superposition and its application. Capacity and its calculation.

c. Stationary current field. Resistivity, conductivity. Non-homogeneous current field.

d. Magnetostatic field. Ampere law. Static, dynamic and energetic definition of inductance.

e. Elekcrical circuit - special case of electromagnetic field. Circuit quantities - voltage, current. Instantaeous power and work of electric voltage and current. Characteristic values of periodic circuit quantities (maximum, average / mean, effective / RMS value).

f. Basic elements of electric circuits (resistor, capacitor, inductor, independent voltage source, independent current source) and their characteristics.

g. Kirchhoff laws, two-terminal connections, voltage and current divider.

h. Stationary steady state, elementary analysis methods of linear resistive circuits (sequential simplification method, transfiguration, Thévenin?s and Norton?s theorem, sources relocation, principal of superposition). Power, power matching.

i. Hopkinson law. Reluctance. Simple magnetic circuits a inductance calculation.

2. Active and pasive electrical components and their realization

a. Non-linear pasive components and switches (thermistor, photoresistor, diode)

b. Active components in voltage / current source mode, in switch mode (MOSFET, BJT)

3. Signals and thein processing in electronic systems

a. Signals - basic terms and definitions - signal and its relations to actual physical quantities, simple properties and signal classification (periodic, sinusoidal, impulses, power, energy).

b. Systems - basic terms and definitions - input-output system characterization, linear system.

c. Elementary signal processing methods - energy, power, time and frequency filtering, averaging, signal elementary decompositions.

4. Introduction into microprocessors and microcontrollers

a. General purpose and specialized microprocessors

b. Basic architectures, internal blocks, registers, stack, interrupt, memories, buses, instruction cycle, typical instructions, addressing modes, operands, typical peripherals, DMA

c. Programming, assembler and high level languages

Syllabus of tutorials:

Sylabus of exercises are thematically identical with the sylabus of lectures. Themes of exercises immediately follow the corresponding lecture ones.

Study Objective:

The goals of study of this subject is to provide elementary basis of theories of electromagnetic field, electrical circuit, semiconductor components, signals and systems, digital and microprocessor technique.

Study materials:

[1] Mikulec M., Havlíček V.: Basic Circuit Theory, Vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha,2008, ISBN 80-01-02127-0

[2] Irwin, J. D., Nelms R. M.: Basic engineering circuit analysis: / 9th ed., Wiley, 2008, ISBN 0470128690

[3] Floyd T. L.: Principles of Electric Circuits, Conventional Current Version, 8th ed., Pearsen Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-170179-7

[4] Alexander Ch. K., Sadiku M., N. O.: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd ed., Mc Graw Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-297718-9

[5] Sedra, Smith: Microelectronic circuits, Oxford Univ Press 2007, 2011.

[6] Nilsson: Electric circuits, Prentice Hall 2004

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-10
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2667806.html