
Industrial Heritage

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
129YPR Z 2 2P Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Architecture

An optional subject focused on deepening knowledge about industrial buildings. Industrial heritage is perceived as part of cultural heritage, the principles of its registration, mapping and protection are explained, mainly in the form of new use of original production facilities. Methods and ways to understandably use both abandoned production areas (brownfields) and production buildings are documented by examples from European countries and from home.


Credit conditions: completion of the final written test

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Industrial history, industrial revolution, industrial archaeology, Ironbridge, TICCIH, ERIH

2. Industrial heritage of the Czech Republic, structure, location, typology

3. Port warehouse, loss of original function, UK - London, Liverpool

4. Port and other warehouses, adaptation, Netherlands, Copenhagen, Genoa, Venice, Porto….

5. Multi-storey buildings, universal production buildings, variability, adaptability, construction

6. Multipurpose production buildings, examples of adaptations of production buildings

7. Breweries, adaptation of buildings of traditional domestic industry

8. Single-purpose production buildings, apparatus, technology, alternatives of use

9. Urban brownfields, examples of reuse of abandoned industrial areas

10. Emsherpark – IBA project, post-industrial landscape of the Ruhr

11. Hamburg – Hafencity, strategy of the public sector in the transformation of the territory

12. Prague – Karlín, Holešovice, current examples of adaptations of industrial areas

Syllabus of tutorials:

the subject has no exercises

Study Objective:

Understanding industrial heritage as part of cultural heritage and registering its possible protection in the form of adaptations for new use.

Study materials:

Dvořáková,E., Fragner.B., Šenberger.T., Industriál_paměť_východiska, Titanic/Grada, 2007

Hlaváček E., Architektura pohybu a proměn. Praha 1985. Vydal Odeon, 09/13.01-519-85

Šenberger T., Rekonstrukce výrobně-technických staveb k novým účelům, Praha 1995 (Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze č. 137). Vydalo Národní technické muzeum v Praze, ISBN 80-7037-044-0

Zemánková H., Tvořit ve vytvořeném, Nové funkční využívání uvolněných objektů, vydal Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, ISBN) VUT Brna) 80-214-2365-X, ISBN (CERM) 80-7204-281-5

Fragner,B., Architektura konverzí, Výzkumné centrum průmyslového dědictví, ČVUT v Praze, 2014, ISBN978-80-01-05592-2

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-09-20
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