
Engineering Ergonomy

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
2381108 Z,ZK 5 1P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Management and Economics

The aim of the subject engineering ergonomics is to become acquainted with the problems,

constraints and the optimal solution of the fundamental unit of an enterprise or organization,

i.e. with system - man - technology (machine) - environment. The character of the subject is

going out from the anthropocentric principle, i. e. that every system MTE as in the manufacturing,

managing, technological, designing so in other spheres it is important unambiguously

to accommodate them to the possibilities, abilities and skills of the weakest link - that is to

the given man. The students will learn not only to start from the man?s limitations during the

designing of the MTE system, but also evaluate the existing economic level of the system and

design rationalization measures for its optimization. The mission of the subject is that the students

will be able in their work on all levels of economic spheres to ensure the optimal wellbeing

for themselves and for the users of the designed systems as well as for their subordinates.

The not-excludable output is also the health of man and higher quality and productivity

of labour.


Preparation of eight laboratory tasks. Preparation and presentation of term paper on the extent of 5 pages of text.

Examination of the following topics:

1. Ergonomics plus Ergatics. Risk model.

2. Antropocentrism. Human Physical Characteristics.

3. Human Sensual Characteristics. Mental Characteristics.

4. Human Operator Reliability. Technology - Dimensioned Solution.

5. Communication Human - Technology. Controllers. Communicators.

6. Link between Controller - Communicator. Working Place Equipment.

7. Technical aesthetics. Environment.

8. Lighting. Radiation.Noise. Vibration and Shaking.

9. Climatic conditions. Coloured solution.

10. Physical Stress. Measurement Methods. Mental Stress. Measurement Methods.

11. Economics of Movements plus Operating Mode. Labour protection.

12. Occupational Hygiene. Social conditions and Environment.

13. Ergonomic projection. Human Work Standardization.

14. Human Work Indices. Riskiness.

Syllabus of lectures:

Ergonomics man - machine - environment systém. Model of health hazard. Man - physiological,

psychological and mental parameters. Machine - dimensional design, controls and

communicatioal equipment, tools, device, workequipment, aesthetic design.Environment -

lighting, radiation, noise, vibrations, climatic conditions, coloured design, physical, psychical

and mental stress. Safety and workhygiene. Risk evaluation. Human environment. Ergonomics

project engineering. Human job standardization and job evaluation.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. - 8. Measurement of laboratory work

9. - 13. Presentation of semester students work

Study Objective:

Ergonomics man - machine - environment systém. Model of health hazard. Man - physiological,

psychological and mental parameters. Machine - dimensional design, controls and

communicatioal equipment, tools, device, workequipment, aesthetic design.Environment -

lighting, radiation, noise, vibrations, climatic conditions, coloured design, physical, psychical

and mental stress. Safety and workhygiene. Risk evaluation. Human environment. Ergonomics

project engineering. Human job standardization and job evaluation.

Study materials:

Key literature:

Chundela, L.: Ergonomie, skripta FS ČVUT, 2005

Chundela, L.: Strojírenská ergonomie - příklady, skripta FS ČVUT, 2005

Another recommended literature:

Grandjean, E.: Ergonomice and Health in modern Office, London TF, 1984

Chapanis, A.: Man- maschine - engineering, London, 1965

Král, M.: Ergonomie a její využití v tech. praxi, I.+II.., Brno, Ostrava, 1994, 1998

Mc Cormick, E.J.: Human faktors engineering, N.Y., 1964

Durrel, K, F. H.: Ergonomice, London, 1975

Šmíd, N.: Ergonomické parametry, Praha SNTL, 1977

Veber, V.: Pracovní prostředí, Praha, 1982

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1512806.html