NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Computational Methods of Transport Machinery

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
2211058 Z,ZK 5 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Jan Kalivoda
Jan Kalivoda, Ladislav Rus, Radek Tichánek, Michal Vašíček
Jan Kalivoda, Ladislav Rus, Radek Tichánek, Michal Vašíček
Department of Automotive, Combustion Engine and Railway Engineering

Methods for both analysis and synthesis of 3D mechanisms. Computation of elastic joining components. Effects of non-linearities. Development of both mechanical and mathematical models of vehicles. Basic usage of FEM. Local and global coordinate system, matrices of mass, stiffness and damping. Both explicit and implicit solver. Models of materials. Torsional vibration in combustion engines and transmissions, methods of computation. Measurement of torsional vibration. Engine valve train (both kinematics and dynamics). Engine balancing


Conditions for obtaining credit and exams from VMDS

To complete the course, you must earn credit and pass an exam.

Credit is awarded on the basis of participation in exercises and fulfillment of the so-called Mini project.

You will receive credit if the supervisor, who assigns you so-called mini-project to solve at the beginning of the semester, decides at the end of the semester that the assignment of the mini-project was fulfilled during the semester. Your credit will be entered in KOS on the day of the VMDS exam.

When solving the Mini-Project, consult the work progress with the Mini-Project lecturers, Dr. Kalivodou,

Dr. Tichánek, Dr. Vašíček and Dr. Zoul. Consultation days with these practices are on the day and time indicated in the schedule.

The exam consists of a written and an oral part. Based on the evaluation of the papers by the individual lecturers, you will receive a credit and an overall grade from the exams.

Materials - lectures from VMDS can be found here:


Prof. Ing. Ladislav Rus, DrSc

tel. 603169533

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction, terms, conditions of torsional vibrations occurrance, basic procedures of solution

2. Application of procedures based on 1D systems for combustion engines sets

3. Methods of computation of lumped mass systems for combustion engines sets

4. Torsional vibration reduction, clutches, non-linear clutches and dampers

5. Measurements of vibration, analysis of vibration intensity, balancing during operation.

6. Modeling of vehicles dynamic - non-linear systems

7. Optimization of vehicle suspension

8. Computational models of vehicles with non-linear spring and damper elements

9. Vehicle response on excitation from random road bumps

10. Kinematics and dynamics of valve trains

11. Engine balancing

12. Elementals of finite element method

13. Material models in FEM

Syllabus of tutorials:

You must earn credit to complete your degree

You will receive credit if the supervisor, who assigns you a so-called mini-project to solve at the beginning of the semester, determines at the end of the semester that the assignment of the mini-project was fulfilled during the semester. Credit will be entered in KOS on the day of the VMDS exam.

The content of the mini-project solution contains some calculations from the calculation areas listed below.

1.Methods of computation of lumped mass systems for combustion engines sets

2.Torsional vibration reduction, clutches, non-linear clutches and dampers

3.Measurements of vibration, analysis of vibration intensity, balancing during operation.

4.Simpack Introduction, Pendulum Model

5.Valve Train Model

6.Modal Analysis of Valve Sprin

7.The computation of natural frequencies of a double-mass systém

8.The creation of a railway two-axle bogie model.

9.The creation of a railway vehicle model, pass curve with superelevation.

10.The computation of natural frequencies of a double-mass system -

individual work.

11.Introduction to Abaqus and static analysis of shell parts

12.FEM analysis of solid parts

13.FEM analysis of assembly and introduction to explicit solver

Study Objective:

Methods of analysis and synthesis of 3D mechanisms.Dynamic of the Vehicle. Stability of the Vehicle.Calculation of elastic elements. Nonlinearity influence. FEM.

Study materials:

1.Dynamika kolejových vozidel.Freibauer,Rus,Zahrádka,NADAS,1988

2.Teorie kolejových vozidel, Švejnoch a kol.,Skripta ČVUT, 1991

3.Dynamické jevy,namáhání a porušování pojezdu lokomotiv,NADAS,1986

4.Výpočtové metody ve stavbě motorových vozidel, Apetaur,Stejskal,Baněček,Skripta ČVUT, 1989


Calculation methods of transport machines-VMDS

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Vašíček M.
Kalivoda J.

(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.101)

Rus L.
Tichánek R.

(lecture parallel1)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-07
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1136006.html