
Introduction to Laser Technique

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
12ULT Z,ZK 3 2+1 Czech
It is not possible to register for the course 12ULT if the student is concurrently registered for or has previously completed the course 12ULAT (mutually exclusive courses).
It is not possible to register for the course 12ULT if the student is concurrently registered for or has previously completed the course 12ULTB (mutually exclusive courses).
Course guarantor:
Department of Laser Physics and Photonics

Overview of electromagnetic radiation sources; laser principle; classification of lasers; characterization and rough application of various types of lasers; laser safety precautions.


Basic course of physics

Syllabus of lectures:

Light as electromagnetic radiation; a substance as a set of quantum systems; the interaction of light with matter, detection. Conventional optical sources. The principle of laser; laser classifications; solid state lasers; liquid lasers; gas lasers; plasma lasers; semiconductor lasers; basic laser application. Laser safety precautions.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Basic concepts related to optical and electromagnetic radiation.

2.Electromagn. Radiation characterization, the relationship between wavelength and frequency.

3.Open resonators. The stability of the open resonator.

4.Boltzmann distribution, population inversion, energy levels.

5.Interaction of the optical radiation with matter: absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission. Calculation of the relations between the Einstein coefficients and lifetimes of quantum systems.

6.Detection of the optical radiation: the external and internal photoelectric effect.


8.Calculation of laser threshold conditions. Gain and loss coefficient of the active material, stimulated emission cross section.

9.Examples of the laser radiation generation, the active medium threshold gain, the extractable energy, the photon lifetime, the resonator quality factor.

10.Examples of the characteristics of lasers in various categories.

11.Solid state lasers. Calculation of the laser efficiency, laser output power. 3 - and 4-level model of the laser. Calculation of the explosion energy and the discharge threshold of solid state crystal destruction.

12.Gas lasers. Examples of gas lasers in various categories.

13.Liquid lasers, examples. Characteristics of semiconductor lasers.

14.Credit test.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: laser oscillator, the threshold condition for generation of radiation, gain, losses, categorization of lasers, laser applications, safety regulations

Skills: the principles of laser radiation understanding; determination of the laser system basic components, different types of lasers and their applications, safety rules for working with lasers.

Study materials:

Key references:

[1] M. Vrbova, H. Jelínková, P. Gavrilov, Introduction to Laser Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, 1994

Recommended references:

[1] Walter Koechner, Solid-State Laser Engineering, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1999

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet11337105.html