
Laser Physics

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
12FLA Z,ZK 4 4 Czech
In order to register for the course 12PLM, the student must have successfully completed the course 12FLA.
Course guarantor:
Jan Šulc
Jan Šulc
Jan Šulc
Department of Laser Physics and Photonics

Relations of behaviour both for laser active media and for various laser types from the general principle of quantum statistical physic will be derived.


Knowledge of quantum mechanics (base equations and principles, statistical operator, perturbation theory, linear harmonic oscillator, quantum description optical radiation), electrodynamics and fundamentals of laser technique

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Physical laser model - laser like closed system, the quantum Liouville equation

2. Quantum theory of damping - driving quadratic for evolution grave quantum system

3. Semi-classical theory of radiation interaction with matter - response of two-level resonant matter, equations for semi-classical description

4. Propagation of stationary signals, dispersive characteristics resonant matter

5. Semi-classical description optical impulse propagation - incoherent and coherent pulse propagation, rate-equations approximation

6. Lasers dynamics in rate-equations approximation - laser with short resonator, rate-equations

7. Dynamics of Q-switching, lasers without mirrors

8. Spectral characteristics laser radiation - frequency pulling, spectral distribution of the generated laser light in the event of homogenously & inhomogeneously broadened gain

9. Generation short pulses - simplified description of laser mode synchronizzation, pulse compression, expansion, and shaping

10. Quantum description of common systems - quasi-distributive function for description of electromagnetic field states, time development of quasi-distributive function, 11. Fokker- Planck equation for atom and damped linear harmonic oscillator

12. Quantum theory of laser - quantum model of laser, Fokker- Planck equation for laser system

13. Solving of Fokker- Planck equation for laser in approximation of rotating wave Van der Pol oscillator

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Numerical exercises - Evolution of the statistical operator, perturbation theory

2. Numerical exercises - Master equation

3. Numerical exercises - Damped harmonic oscillator

4. Numerical Exercises - Equations of semiclasical laser theory

5. Students talks - Tunable laser

6. Students talks - Soliton

7. TEST 1

8. Students talks - Q-switching

9. Students talks - X-ray laser, ASE

10. Students talks - Mode-locking

11. Numerical exercises - Focker-Planck equation

12. Numerical Exercises - Quantum tehory of laser

13. TEST No.2

Study Objective:


To meet the theoretical foundations of laser generator using semi-classical and fully quantum description of the resonant interaction of radiation with matter.


To apply the theoretical results to practical problems in laser physics, e.g. description of lasers with a short resonator, the generation of Q-switched giant pulses, and coherent pulse propagation.

Study materials:

Key references:

Vrbova, M., Sulc, J.: Interaction of resonant radiation with matter, CVUT, Prague, 2006

Recommended references:

[2] W. H. Louisell: Quantum statistical properties of radiation, John Wiley and Sone, New York, 1973

[3] M. Vrbova: Quantum theory coherency, CVUT, Prague, 1997.

[4] B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics, 1991

[5] B. Kvasil, Theoretical fundamentals of quantum electronics, Academia, Praha, 1983.

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-03
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet11297705.html