
Managerial Information Systems and Knowledge Management

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range
W38O005 ZK 5P+0C
Course guarantor:
Department of Management and Economics

Managerial role and its information needs. Strategic management and its information support. Intellectual capital, learning organization. Typology of knowledge, tacit and explicit knowl-edge, creating knowledge and its spiral.. Function and Structure of EIS/MIS (Business Intelli-gence) and its position in the architecture of the Company Information Systems. Data ware-houses, data market and knowledge portals. .Knowledge Management systems, evaluation, acquisition and implementation. Competitive Intelligence and usage of external information databases.


Teaching takes place through regular consultations. Requirements are specified for the test course syllabus

Syllabus of lectures:

Managerial role and its information needs. Strategic management and its information support. Intellectual capital, learning organization. Typology of knowledge, tacit and explicit knowl-edge, creating knowledge and its spiral.. Function and Structure of EIS/MIS (Business Intelli-gence) and its position in the architecture of the Company Information Systems. Data ware-houses, data market and knowledge portals. .Knowledge Management systems, evaluation, acquisition and implementation. Competitive Intelligence and usage of external information databases.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Consultation form

Study Objective:
Study materials:

Bébr R., Doucek P.: Informační systémy pro podporu manažerské práce. Profesional Pub-lishing, 2005

Dohnal J, Pour J. : Architektury informačních systémů. Management Press 1997

Groff T., R., Jones T., P.: Introduction to Knowledge Management. Butterwoth Heinemann, 2003

Keřkovský M., Drdla M.: Strategické řízení firemních informací. C.H.Beck, 2003

Novotný O., Pour J., Slánský D.: Business Intelligence. Jak využít bohatství ve vašich datech. Grada Publishing, 2005

Mládková L.: Moderní přístupy k managementu. Tacitní znalost a jak jí využít. C.H.BECK, 2005

Mládková L.: Management znalostí v praxi. Professional Publishing, 2004.

Molnár Z.: Efektivnost informačních systémů. Grada Publishing 2001

Truneček J.: Management znalostí. C.H.BECK. 2004

Sklenák V. a kol.: Data, informace, znalosti a Internet. C.H.BECK, 2004

Rothenberg H., Ericsson S.: From Knowledge to Inteligence. Elsevier Buttenworth - Heine-mann, 2005

McGonagle J. M,. Vella C.M.:The Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence. Praeger Pub-lishers, 2003

Rumizen M. C.: Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management. Alpha; 2001

Davenport T. H., Prusek L.: Working Knowledge. Harvard Business School Press 2000

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-01
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet10901102.html