Managerial Information Systems and Knowledge Management
Code | Completion | Credits | Range |
W38O005 | ZK | 5P+0C |
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Management and Economics
- Synopsis:
Managerial role and its information needs. Strategic management and its information support. Intellectual capital, learning organization. Typology of knowledge, tacit and explicit knowl-edge, creating knowledge and its spiral.. Function and Structure of EIS/MIS (Business Intelli-gence) and its position in the architecture of the Company Information Systems. Data ware-houses, data market and knowledge portals. .Knowledge Management systems, evaluation, acquisition and implementation. Competitive Intelligence and usage of external information databases.
- Requirements:
Teaching takes place through regular consultations. Requirements are specified for the test course syllabus
- Syllabus of lectures:
Managerial role and its information needs. Strategic management and its information support. Intellectual capital, learning organization. Typology of knowledge, tacit and explicit knowl-edge, creating knowledge and its spiral.. Function and Structure of EIS/MIS (Business Intelli-gence) and its position in the architecture of the Company Information Systems. Data ware-houses, data market and knowledge portals. .Knowledge Management systems, evaluation, acquisition and implementation. Competitive Intelligence and usage of external information databases.
- Syllabus of tutorials:
Consultation form
- Study Objective:
- Study materials:
Bébr R., Doucek P.: Informační systémy pro podporu manažerské práce. Profesional Pub-lishing, 2005
Dohnal J, Pour J. : Architektury informačních systémů. Management Press 1997
Groff T., R., Jones T., P.: Introduction to Knowledge Management. Butterwoth Heinemann, 2003
Keřkovský M., Drdla M.: Strategické řízení firemních informací. C.H.Beck, 2003
Novotný O., Pour J., Slánský D.: Business Intelligence. Jak využít bohatství ve vašich datech. Grada Publishing, 2005
Mládková L.: Moderní přístupy k managementu. Tacitní znalost a jak jí využít. C.H.BECK, 2005
Mládková L.: Management znalostí v praxi. Professional Publishing, 2004.
Molnár Z.: Efektivnost informačních systémů. Grada Publishing 2001
Truneček J.: Management znalostí. C.H.BECK. 2004
Sklenák V. a kol.: Data, informace, znalosti a Internet. C.H.BECK, 2004
Rothenberg H., Ericsson S.: From Knowledge to Inteligence. Elsevier Buttenworth - Heine-mann, 2005
McGonagle J. M,. Vella C.M.:The Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence. Praeger Pub-lishers, 2003
Rumizen M. C.: Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management. Alpha; 2001
Davenport T. H., Prusek L.: Working Knowledge. Harvard Business School Press 2000
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans: