
Weldability of Materials and Welding Metallurgy

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range
W33A001 ZK 5P+0C
Course guarantor:
Department of Manufacturing Technology

The subject guarantor: Ing. Ladislav Kolařík, Ph.D., IWE

Definition of weldability. Influence of material, design, technology upon weldability. Weldability tests and assessment of weldability according to norms, ČSN, EN, ISO etc. Metallurgy of the welds, structural changes in heat affected zone. Weld cracks. Weldability of steels and non-ferrous alloys.


Basic knowledge of manufacturing technologies and material science.

Syllabus of lectures:

Metallurgy of the weld - heat transfer during welding, weld thermal cycle, heat affected zone, cooling speed t8/5, molten pool and its solidification, shielding of weld.

Influence of atmospheric gases upon weldability - influence of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen upon weld, its quality. Source of atmospheric gases, elimination of the negative influence.

Weld cracks - types of cracks, theory of creation, evaluation of cracking sensitivity. Solidification, liquation and cold cracking, lamellar tearing. Technological tests of weldability.

Groups of materials according to their weldability (ISO/TR 15608).

Weldability - weldability of structural steels, non-ferrous materials. Type of materials and alloys, applicable welding methods, filler materials and shielding gases. Weldability problems and countermeasures.

-structural steels - group 1 according to ISO/TR 15 608, carbon equivalent, preheat temperature, CCT and TTT diagrams, correlation of hardness and strength with weldability.

-high strength steels - groups 2,3 according to ISO/TR 15 608. Production and metallurgy of high strength steels, microalloying, precipitation, carbides etc. HAZ - grain refinement, Interpass temperature, cooling speed t8/5

-hot strength steels- groups 4,5,6, creep mechanism, creep sensitivity measurement, decrease of ductility at higher temperatures

-cryogenic steels-group 9, low temperature applications, list of cryogenic steels (9 % Ni steels included), influence of Ni

-stainless and heat resistant steels -group of steels 7, 8, 9, 10, categories, weldment heat treatment, types of corrosion, heat resistance principle. Influence of chemical composition, binary diagrams, diagram Fe-Cr-Ni. Austenite, ferrite stabilizing elements. Schaefler, DeLong, WRC diagrams. Measurement of delta ferrite.

-cast irons-weldability, usage, filler materials, problems and countermeasures

-Cu, Ni, Al, Ti, Zr alloys - weldability, usage, problems and countermeasures

-heterogeneous joints.

Syllabus of tutorials:

According to agreement.

Study Objective:

To learn about weldability of metals - main characteristics of main ferrous and non-ferrous materials in respect of welding. Usage, problems and countermeasures. Selection of filler metal, welding method, heat treatment.

Study materials:

- Adamka, J. a kolektiv : Základy zvárania, dělenka a spájkovania kovov, Alfa, Bratislava, 1983

- Bernasovský, P., Blecha, A., Bošanský, J., Magula, V. : Náuka o materiáli a zvariteĺnosť ocelí, Weldtech, Bratislava, 1996

- Faltus, F. a kolektiv : Příručka svařování II.díl Metalurgické základy svařování, přídavnýmateriál a svařování různých materiálů, SNTL, Praha, 1955

- Hrivňák, I. : Zvaritĺnosť ocelí, Alfa, Bratislava, 1979

- Hrivňák, I. : Teória zvariteĺnosti kovov a zliatin, VEDA, Bratislava, 1989

- Kolektiv autorů : ASM Handbook, Volume 6 Welding, Brazing , and Soldering, ASM International, 2000

- Němec, J. : Fyzikální a metalurgické základy obloukového svařování, SNTL, Praha, 1977

- Němec, J. : Svařování korozivzdorných a žárovzdorných ocelí, SNTL, Praha, 1975

- Pilous, V. a kolektiv : Vysokopevné mikrolegované jemnozrnné oceli a jejich svařitelnost, Vodní stavby a.s., Plzeň, 1999

- Pilous, V., Václav, J. : Nové metalurgické postupy svařování ocelí, SNTL, Praha, 1985

- Pilous, V. : Konstruktér a tavné svařování oceli, SNTL, Praha, 1964

- Séférian, D. : Nauka o kovech ve svařování ocelí, SNTL, Praha, 1962

- Stewart, J.P. : The Welder´s handbook, Reston Publishing, Reston, 1981

- Kolektiv autorů: Materiály a jejich svařitelnost, Zeross, Ostrava, 2000

- Barták, J. a kolektiv: Učební texty pro svářečské inženýry a technology, Škola Welding, Plzeň, 2008

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-16
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet10892602.html