
Fundamentals of Scientific Work

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
F7PMLFSW Z 4 0P+1S anglicky
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katedra biomedicínské informatiky

Forma ověření studijních výsledků: aktivní participace na cvičeních, vypracování a příspěvku na vybrané téma

Požadavky na studenta: aktivní příprava na cvičení, aktivní účast na cvičení, 100% účast na cvičeních – případná neúčast na seminářích bude řešena seminární prací

Osnova přednášek:
Osnova cvičení:

This course will help students to gain competencies for the successful completion of their research work. The course will start with introducing the philosophy of science and explain key principles of scientific work. The ability to communicate results is important not only for conveying the information itself but also for refining the knowledge: one is forced to organize, shape, and clearly express the information to be conveyed. Students will get acquainted with several forms of scientific communication. The focus will be given to the preparation of oral presentation and peer-reviewed articles, but we will also introduce other formats, such as patents Because having clear and telling plots is a key requirement for a successful poster presentation, we will show how various elements of graphs helps in revealing information. The course concludes with lectures on ethical behavior. Examples of scientific misconduct will help the participants to understand the importance of scientific integrity and the possible consequences of scientific misconduct.

Témata seminářů:

1.Philosophical aspects of research and scientific work. Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Demarcation problem – how to recognize scientific theory?

2.Theory and practice of scientific research: What is research? Research planning. Formulating, Research question. Mode of inquiry. Induction and deduction in your research project. Career options in research.

3.Literature search and review: where and how to find relevant information.

4.Oral presentation as a form of scientific communication: Presenting ideas in a way that sticks, good practice in slides design; writing headlines and takeaway messages; suggestions on slide templates.

5.Peer-reviewed articles: presenting primary research; the usual structure of a peer-reviewed article.

6.Other written genres of scientific communication: Literature review articles (summarizing and synthesizing research that has already been carried out), Patents (understanding what a patent is and how is it structured), Scientific outreach: writing of texts aimed at the public or specific groups outside of your professional community; understanding the curse of knowledge; using Twitter and other social media in scientific communication.

7.Presentation of scientific results using posters. What to expect when presenting a poster at a conference: how to prepare for a poster section, oral part of poster presentation, handouts, Content and layout of the poster: design guidelines for a poster, elements of visual hierarchy, techniques for minimizing the clutter.

8.Effective data visualization.

9.Ethics of scientific work (1): Moderated discussion on the scope and significance of scientific ethics; freedom & responsibility in research. Data manipulation, Misuse of statistics, Plagiarism, Questions of authorship, publication practice.

10.Ethics of scientific work (2): Misconduct versus Honest Error and Scientific Disagreement, Predatory journals & conferences, Discussion of ethically difficult questions.

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

Povinná literatura:

•DEETJEN, Thomas: Published a guide to literature review, outlining, experimenting, visualization, writing, editing, and peer review for your first scientific journal article. 2020.

Doporučená literatura:

•BRIGGLE, Adam a Carl MITCHAM: Ethics and Science: An Introduction. Cambridge Applied Ethics, 2012. ISBN 978-0521702676.

•BEINS, C. Bernard and Maureen A. MCCARTHy. Research Methods and Statistics. Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 9781108423113.

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Platnost dat k 6. 2. 2025
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