
Measurement in process industry

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E182063 KZ 4 1P+0C+2L anglicky
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ústav procesní a zpracovatelské techniky

Methods of measuring state and process variables (a temperature, pressure, flowrate, velocity, density, viscosity, particle size, ...) and their conversion to electric signals including their processing. Application of measuring methods on machines of process and manufacturing industry (a heat exchanger, evaporator, dryer, distillation column, agitated reactor, ...). Analysis of processes taking place in apparatuses and diagnostics of apparatuses (tomography, RTD).

Osnova přednášek:

•Introduction. Basic principles of measurement of basic state variables and an example of application in the processing industry, measuring chain, signal processing and conversion.

•Digitization and processing of analog (voltage and current) signals. Measuring converters, bus, industrial controllers used in a process industry. Signal conversion.

•Temperature measurement in laboratory and industrial environment. Thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors. Calibration process, compensation, principles and errors of measurement.

•Pressure measurement (forces and moments) and flowrates. Basic principles and industrial realization.

•Fundamentals of measurement of transport and thermophysical properties of matter (rheological behavior, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, water activity, composition, …).

•Experimental measurement (illustration) of a rheological and thermal property (rheometry, oscillatory rheometry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal conductivity measurement).

•Preparation and measurement of a selected matter property based on a measurement of the temperature and pressure and other electric quantities (thermal conductivity measurement, specific heat capacity measurement). Measurement application development.

•Industrial sensors of density, viscosity, particle size, heat, pH, … Basic principle of sensors.

•Application of measurement of physical quantities in process apparatuses and use for control of technological processes (heat exchangers, evaporators, a distillation column, ...).

•Flow velocity measurement (LDA, PIV, UVP). Fundamentals of measurement methods.

•Experimental measurement of velocity field in selected geometry (agitated vessel, elbow, static mixer, …).

•Diagnostics of process apparatuses. Meaning and basic principles of RTD measurement for apparatus diagnostics.

•Analysis of processes ongoing in process apparatuses. Tomography (electrical conductivity and electrical capacitance) and its use for monitoring the processes taking place in reactors, static mixers, ...

Osnova cvičení:
Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

•Bequette, B. W.: Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation, Prentice Hall Professional (2003)

•Green, D. W., Perry, R. H., Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, San Juan, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto (2008)

•Dunn, W. C.: Introduction to Instrumentation, Sensors, and Process Control, Artech House Publishers (2005)

•Electronic resources (ScienceDirect, IOP, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library)

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