

Přihlášení do KOSu pro zápis předmětu Zobrazit rozvrh
Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
155PHOG Z,ZK 6 2P+2C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Karel Pavelka
Karel Pavelka
Jindřich Hodač, Karel Pavelka, Karel Pavelka, Jaroslav Šedina
Předmět zajišťuje:
Katedra geomatiky

Introduction to photogrammetry. Analoque, analytical and digital solutions of photogrammetrical problems. Coordinate systems in photogrammetry. Interior and exterior orientation of images, determination of orientation elements. Photogrammetric (Gruber) series. Terrestrial photogrammetry, single-image photogrammetry, intersection photogrammetry and stereophotogrammetry, formulas and accuracy. Metric cameras, analogue and analytical methods of evaluation of metric images, calibration of cameras. Aerial photogrammetry, its subdivision. Image flight project. Digital photogrammetry, aerotriangulation, orthophoto production.


basic physics and mathematics

Osnova přednášek:

basic and advanced photogrammetry

1. Defining photogrammetry, meaning and relation to remote sensing, central projection, optical imaging, aberrations, construction and types of lenses, distortion and its compensation, photographic material, types, applications, characteristics, sensitometric curve, Electronic scanning device, CCD, CMOS, photocell, Coordinate systems, Coordinate transformations, Spatial rotation matrices

2. Photogrammetric series for x, photogrammetric series for y, elements of interior orientation (IO), accuracy and procedure of determination of IO, principle of determination of interior orientation elements, DLT transformation, exterior orientations, terrestrial photogrammetry, single-frame method, types, applications, projective transformations (2D-2D), solutions, documentation of planar objects, influence of depth distribution, Intersection method, historical use, today's technology

3. Terrestrial stereophotogrammetry, photogrammetrical base, accuracy, minimum and maximum base selection, stereoscopic vision and its tests, Normal case of stereophotogrammetry, accuracy, formulas, measuring and non-measuring cameras, characteristics, classic photogrammetric cameras, réseau cameras, digital cameras, terrestrial and aerial cameras, camera justification, use of cameras for terrestrial photogrammetry, airborne cameras, types, use, additional equipment, camera motion compensation, reason, types

4. Terrestrial photogrammetry, achieved accuracy, analytical evaluation (comparators), photogrammetric deformation measurement, camera calibration, Aerial photogrammetry, types, single-frame methods of aerial photogrammetry, influence of terrain elevation differences, image transformations, types, methods, photoplan, photomosaics, use, creation, orthophoto

5. Digital photogrammetry, technology, procedures, relative and absolute orientation, classical procedure, complex solution (bundle adjustment)

6. Modern methods of photogrammetry, drones, close-range photogrammetry, laser scanning and photogrammetry, joint processing of point clouds

7. Elements of internal and external orientation, influences that affect image coordinates, control points and tie points, object points, signalising of control points, classification and local investigation, flight plan, possibilities, types and procedures of aerial photogrammetry, data processing, devices for analogue processing of aerial photographs, types, overview

8. Analogue plotters, principle, types, analytical plotters, numerical determination of external orientation elements - overview, conditions for solving relative orientation, condition of coplanarity, condition of zero vertical parallax, numerical relative orientation of an independent stereo-pair, numerical relative orientation for image connection, relative orientation in flat and mountainous areas, mathematical insolvability of relative orientation, numerical solution of absolute orientation

9. Complex solution (bundle adjustment, mathematical approach), step solution, image triangulations, overview, reason for use, analytical aerotriangulation, block adjustment, analytical aerotriangulation, bundle adjustment, aerotriangulation and INS, Direct Linear Transformation, digital photogrammetry, digital image, principle, use, histogram, Scanners, scanning, DPI, accuracy, amount of data, digital aerial cameras - principle

10. Image transformations, direct and indirect method, reasons of use, image correlation technique, principle, use, automatic search, digital orthophoto, types, interpolation, principle, algorithm, use, problems

11. Digital single-image photogrammetry, digital intersection and stereophotogrammetry, digital photogrammetric workstations (DWP), digital aerotriangulation, sub-pixel transformation, digital orthophoto

12. Epipolar transformation, fundamental matrix, epipolar geometry, using in photogrammetry, laser scanning in cultural heritage, aerial laser scanning, terrestrial mobile scanning, drones

see lectures on https://lfgm.fsv.cvut.cz/vyuka.html

Osnova cvičení:

During the practical exercises the following tasks are solved:

Postprocessing of images for photogrammetry

Single-frame photogrammetry (SimPhoto)

Camera calibration (PhotoModeler)

Intersection photogrammetry (PhotoModeler)

Multiphoto-SfM (Agisoft Metashape)

Flight procedure and processing of drone data

PhotoPa - Simple photogrammetric methods for architectural documentation

The exercise will be composed according to the knowledge of foreign students in the field of photogrammetry

FTG1 - terrestrial photogrammetry

U1. technical photography

U2. calibration of digital non-metric camera

U3. single-frame method - photoplane

U4. cross-sectional method - 3D model

U5. IBMR image correlation method - 3D model+ortophoto

U PhotoPa project - data acquisition for U3 and U4

FTG2 - aerial photogrammetry

U1. flight image project for RPAS

U2. RPAS data processing - DMT and orthophoto

U3. orientation of the stereo unit (LMS) + stereo evaluation

U4. image block processing (LMS) - AAT+DMT+ortophoto

Cíle studia:

basic course for photogrammetry

Studijní materiály:

Aber, James & Marzolff, Irene & Ries, Johannes. (2010). Small-format Aerial Photography: Principles, Techniques and Geoscience Applications, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780444532602

Kraus, K. Photogrammetry-Geometry from Images and Laser Scans. DeGruyter, 2007, Translated by: Ian A. Harley and Stephen Kyle, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110892871

Kraus, K.: Photogrammetry,1994,2007 De Gruyter, ISBN13 9783110190076, english

Kraus, K.: Photogrammetrie, 1994, Dümler,ISBN 3427786455, 9783427786450, german

Schenck, T.: Introduction to Photogrammetry,2005, http://www.mat.uc.pt/~gil/downloads/IntroPhoto.pdf

Další informace:
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:
Rozvrh není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:
místnost TH:B-973

(přednášková par. 1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
místnost TH:B-s111

(přednášková par. 1
paralelka 101)

Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 26. 10. 2024
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/cs/predmet7052606.html