UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

Business English

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
F7PMSBE KZ 2 2S česky
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katedra biomedicínské techniky

The aim of this study material is to make students familiar with the Business English before embarking on a career in business. The course covers not only terminology connected with the field of business English, but also grammar most often used in the given context. The material depicts a wide range of business topics including Jobs, Organisations, Marketing, Finance, Accounting etc. It presents and explains new words in the context of real situations and shows the student how to use them and how to work out the rules for using them. The students practise their newly acquired knowledge in the exercises related.

The material is also designed to help the students to orientate in business environment of different cultures as well as to improve their speaking skills, using open questions for the students to discuss and talk about. Thus it allows the student to express their ideas, support or question different opinions and get prepared for real business sphere.


1. Aktivní účast na hodinách (2 absence povolené)

2. Splnění zápočtového testu (min. 60%)

Osnova přednášek:


Osnova cvičení:

Organizace distanční výuky

Organization of distant tuition

Week: 16.-22.3:Unit 4 + 5 – go through all exercises. I will send a key to some of the exercises to your email addresses. Please send me translation of exercise 4, Unit 5 to my email address for me to check (deadline: 22.3.)

Week: 23.-29.3:Unit 6 - go through all exercises. I will send a key to some of the exercises to your email addresses. Please send me translation of exercise 1, Unit 6 to my email address for me to check. (deadline: 29.3.)

Week: 30.3.-5.4.Unit 7 - go through all exercises. I will send a key to some of the exercises to your email addresses. Please send me translation of exercise 1, Unit 7 + Translation of the sentences from the last grammar exercise to my email address for me to check. (deadline: 5.4.)

Week: 6.4.-12.4.Unit 8 - go through all exercises. I will send a key to some of the exercises to your email addresses. Please send me answers to the questions in bald in the exercise 3, Unit 8 to my email address for me to check. (deadline: 12.4.)

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

[1].MASCULL, Bill. Business vocabulary in use: intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Cambridge professional English. ISBN 0521775299.

[2].EMMERSON, Paul. Business English frameworks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Cambridge copy collection. ISBN 0521004551.

[3].SMITH, Tricia. Market leader: business law : business English. Harlow: Longman, 2000. ISBN 058232842x.

[4].MACKENZIE, Ian. Management and marketing: with mini-dictionary. Hove: Language Teaching Publications, 2001. LTP business. ISBN 1899396802.

[5].CORDELL, Jane. Cambridge business English activities: serious fun for business English students. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN 9780521587341.

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Platnost dat k 10. 3. 2025
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