
Efficient Algorithms

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BIE-EFA Z,ZK 5 2P+2C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra teoretické informatiky

Students get an overview of efficient algorithms and data structures for solving classical algorithmic problems, such as searching and sorting, on dynamically changing data sets. Students are able to design and implement such algorithms, to use methods for analysing their computational and memory complexity. They understand the sorting algorithms with O(n.log n) time complexity, special sorting algorithms with linear complexity, algorithms for associative and address searching. They are able to use the efficient dynamic data structures, such as hash tables, search trees, balanced search trees, heaps, B-trees, and others. They are able to work with recursive algorithms and dynamic programming.


An ability to solve basic algorithmic problems actively, to express the algorithmic solution in a high-level programming language (Java, C++), and knowledge of basic notions from calculus and combinatorics is assumed.

Osnova přednášek:

1. Data structures I: Fundamental ADTs.^^ 2. Data structures II: Hash tables.^^ 3. Sorting algorithms I.^^4. Data structures III: Trees, heaps.^^5. Sorting algorithms II.^^6. Data structures IV: Advanced heaps.^^7. Searching and search trees.^^8. Recursive algorithms.^^9. B-trees and their variants.^^10. Balanced search trees. ^^11. Dynamic programming.^^12. Computational geometry algorithms.1. Data structures I: Fundamental ADTs.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Algorithms on arrays, multidimensional arrays and mapping functions. mathematics. ^2. ADT stack, queue, list. ^3. ADT table, set. ^4. Hash tables. ^5. Basic sorting algorithms. ^6. Trees and binary heaps. ^7. Sorting algorithms II. ^8. Binomial and Fibonnaci heaps.^9. Searching and binary search trees.^10. Recursive algorithms.^11. B-trees.^12. Balanced search trees.^13. Dynamic programming.^1. Algoritmy nad poli, vícerozměrná pole a mapovací funkce.^2. ADT Seznam, Fronta, Zásobník.^3. ADT Tabulka, Množina.^4. Rozptylovací tabulky.^5. Základní algoritmy řazení.^6. Stromy a binární haldy.^7. Algoritmy řazení 2.^8. Binomiální a Fibonacciho haldy.^9. Vyhledávání a vyhledávací stromy.^10. Rekurzivní algoritmy.^11. B-stromy a jejich varianty.^12. Vyvažované vyhledávací stromy.^13. Dynamické programování.3. Sorting algorithms I.

Cíle studia:

The goal of the course is to equip the student with a set of well-known standard algorithms and to help him/her recognize a proper algorithm variant for any specific usage. At the same time, the student will learn basic methods of algorithm analysis to be used as a main efficiency criterion.

Studijní materiály:

Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L. Introduction to Algorithms. The MIT Press, 2001. ISBN 0262032937.


Information about the course and courseware are available at https://courses.fit.cvut.cz/BI-EFA/

A pair of courses BIE-EFA + BIE-GRA can be recognized by proxy, if a student successfully completes a pair of courses BIE-AG1 + BIE-AG2. Students can ask for it at the study department.

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Platnost dat k 9. 2. 2025
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