
Sensors and Measurement

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
AE3B38SME Z,ZK 6 3P+2L anglicky
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katedra měření

Basic circuits and instruments for measurement of electrical quantities, AD and DA converters, sensors focused to use in robotics and automation, intelligent sensors, methods of decreasing uncertainties.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: http://www.fel.cvut.cz/anketa/aktualni/courses/AE3B38SME


Basics of physics, electric circuits and mathematical analysis

Osnova přednášek:

1. Sampling and quantization, AD converters, digital oscilloscope.

2. Measurement of voltage, current, frequency and phase difference. Counter. Errors and measurement uncertainties (repetition).

3. Measurement of RMS value, power and energy consumption.

4. Measurement of small voltages. Measurement of resistances. Instrument transformers.

5. Magnetic measurements. Measurement of impedances.

6. Other measuring instruments - reference sources, DA converters, signal generators, spectrum analyzer.

7. Sensing of linear and angular position. Optoelectronic and ultrasound sensors.

8. Sensors of velocity, acceleration and vibrations.

9. Measurement of force and pressure.

10. Measurement of flowrate and level.

11. Contact measurement of temperature.

12. Contactless measurement of temperature.

13. Chemical sensors Sensor networks.

14. Repetition. Solving and calculation of examples.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Introduction, safety rules in laboratory. Analog oscilloscope. Exercise: measurement using analog osciloscope

Series A (5 laboratory exercises)

2. Thermocouple, measurement of its voltage, compensation of temperature of its cold end.

3. Measurement on a switching circuit. Influence of waveform on meter reading, its relationship to frequency dependence, spectrum.

4. An optical positionning sensor, measurement of photocurrent.

5. A/D successive approximation converter.

6. Sensors of electric current. Power measurement.

Series B (6 laboratory exercises)

7. Measurement of linear shift

8. Capacitive level sensor. Measurement of impedances.

9. Measurement of force by means of a strain gage bridge.

10. Measurement on transformers (leakage magnetic field, dynamic hysteresis loop, amplitude permeability).

11. Resistance temperature sensor, a measurement system.

12. Measurement of blood pressure and pulse frequency.

13. Individual measurement.

14. Individual measurement and assessments.

Cíle studia:

Pochopit a osvojit si základní měřicí metody, fyzikální principy senzorů a jejich hlavní aplikace.

Studijní materiály:

[1] Fraden, J.: Handbook of Modern Sensors. Springer; 3rd edition (September 21, 2001)

[2] Ripka, P., Tipek, A. (Eds.): Modern Sensors Handbook. ISTE 2007, ISBN 978-1-905209-66-8

[3] Haasz, V., Sedláček, M.: Electrical Measurements. ČVUT in Prague, Praha 2006

[4] Sedláček, M., Holub, J., Hejtmanová, D.: Laboratory exercises in Electrical measurements. University texbook, ČVUT, Praha 2011 (2nd edition)

[5] Placko, D.: Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement. ISTE 2007, ISBN 1-905209-39-8

[6] Northrop, R.B.: Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements. CRC 2005, 0-8493-3773-9

[7] http://openbookproject.net//books/socratic/doc/topical.html

1. Placko D.: Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement, ISTE 2007, ISBN 1-905209-39-8

2. Ripka, P., Tipek, A.(ed.): Modern Sensors Handbook. ISTE 2007, ISBN 978-1-905209-66-8

3. Northrop R.B.: Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements, CRC 2005, 0-8493-3773-9

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