UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

Network Operating Systems

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
AE2B32SOS Z,ZK 6 2P + 2C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra telekomunikační techniky

Network operating systems, Linux, Unix. Administration and network tools, managing and administration of documentation. The graduates will be informed about basic conception and procedures in operating systems administration (UNIX) and gain the basic facility in operating systems configuration based on the x 86 platforms.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: http://www.fel.cvut.cz/anketa/aktualni/courses/AE2B32SOS


1. 100% presence on the exercises (in a case of serious reasons of absence, substitute exercise in a form agreed with the lecturer).

2. Successfull passing of assessment tests.

Osnova přednášek:

1. Operating systems - basic definitions, origin and development, main types and families of OS.

2. Administration of users, administrator rights and how to gain them.

3. System startup/shutdown. Process handling. The „init“ process, startup/shutdown scripts.

4. Administration of the disk subsystem. File systems, swap files and partitions.

5. Network facilities of the Linux OS, basic network configuration.

6. Advanced network facilities of the Linux OS. iptables, rule-based routing.

7. Networking interface - sockets, opening and closing the connection, data transfer, resolver - from various OS levels (C-language, scripts, applications)

8. Software compilation for the Unix-like OS. GNU toolchain.

9. Operating basic services in the Linux system - WWW server (LAMP), e-mail server, other services.

10. Security subsystem of the Unix-like systems and Linux. Types of attacks and protection against them.

11. Unix OSes in the environment of telecommunication networks. Main areas of usage.

12. Asterisk software PBX and its deployment on the Linux OS.

13. Unix-like systems in mobile and embedded devices. Android, Meego, OpenWRT...

14. OS virtualization and cloud computing. Examples of the Unix-like OSes.

Osnova cvičení:

1. Initial exercise. Contents of the exercises, safety rules in the classroom.

2. Basic skills. User administration, user access rights, file permissions.

3. System startup/shutdown. The „init“ process.

4. The disk susbsystem administration. Filesystem administration, swap, RAID, LVM.

6. Linux OS installation, Linux kernel configuration and recompilation.

7. Test

8. Instalation and deinstalation of programs and packages by compilation and using the package manager.

9. Networking in Linux. ifconfig, route, iptables, netstat. Security basics. System logs.

10. Useful tools, shell scripting, grep, sed, awk...

11. Own programming - gcc, make...

12. Test

13. Spare exercise

14. Assessment

Cíle studia:

Students will learn basics of operation, installation and administration of Unix-like operating systems, with a special focus on the networking facilities.

Studijní materiály:

1.Adelstein, T. - Lubanovic, B.: Linux System Administration. O'Reilly Media, Inc., New York, 2007.


Volume: 14lessons + 6 exercises

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Platnost dat k 25. 3. 2025
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