
Advanced Topics in Financial Management

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
32ME-P-ADFM-01 Z,ZK 3 0P+2C anglicky
Předmět 32ME-P-ADFM-01 nesmí být zapsán, je-li v témže semestru zapsán anebo již dříve absolvován předmět G63E4301 (vztah je symetrický)
Předmět 32ME-P-ADFM-01 může při kontrole studijních plánů nahradit předmět G63E4301
Garant předmětu:
Tuugi Tugsjargal Chuluun
Tuugi Tugsjargal Chuluun
Tuugi Tugsjargal Chuluun
Předmět zajišťuje:
institut ekonomických studií

During the course will be studied the strategies for recognizing the financial performance of firms. The market information drawn from the transactions performed at the financial markets will be combined with the internal corporative sources. Several approaches and indicators will be applied to assess the evolution of companies.

The course aims at overhaul the path research of the portfolio theory and recognize the main financial models intended to manage the assets. The exercises and theoretical perspective deal with a diversity of strategies developed for assigning a portfolio of investment, combining assets of different degree of risk, underpining the position with the diversification principle. The overview starts with the pioneering Markowitz contribution; the course analyzes also the Sharpe CAPM model.

But previously, the student must be aware of all statistical concepts dealing with uncertainty, probability distributions, confidence intervals and probability of default. With the conducing background the course enters in the definition of VaR applications, in order to quantify the amounts of loses based on the probability distribution, based on the Gaussian statistical theory. The estimation of measures of risk conveyed by each individual asset is run by econometric methods.


MSc.-level course in Corporate Financial Management

Osnova přednášek:

Financial Decisions and Company Performance

Analysis of the Composition of Capital

The Time Value of Money Compounding and Discounting

Fixed Income and Strategies of Financing.

Pricing Bonds

How interpret the Yield Curve

Variable Income

How to get funds: Equities

The mean variance analysis for risk management

The Envelope Portfolio and the Efficient Frontier. Construction.

The Merton - Black Propositions and the plot of Envelope Portfolio

The CAPM model, the betas and the analysis of individual risk.

The Black Litterman Model and the opinions about the portfolio proportions.

Hedging positions and Hedging Strategies

The probability of default and the Merton's Valuation Model

Event studies and the abnormal returns.

Options Put and Call

Black Scholes Model and the Pricing of Options.

Diversity of Application of Black Scholes Formula

Portfolio Choice,

Corporate Management and Financial indicators

Osnova cvičení:
Cíle studia:

Kurz poskytuje intuitivní úvod do hlavních nástrojů analýzy rizik. Kurz v souladu s vyvíjející se trajektorií finanční analýzy učí modernímu přístupu k měření rizika finanční pozice prostřednictvím statistických technik, které umožňují popsat zisk a ztrátu a rozložení firemního portfolia v určitém předem stanoveném horizontu.

Na konci tohoto kurzu budou studenti schopni porozumět struktuře, fungování a chování finančních trhů a využití různých finančních nástrojů včetně finančních derivátů. Stejně tak musí student rozvíjet dovednosti v používání nástrojů Excelu a finančních vzorců a funkcí začleněných do balíku Excel. Student musí být schopen interpretovat výstupy a činit moudrá finanční rozhodnutí v kontextu Trhů.

Studijní materiály:

Poncet, Patrice, Portait, Roland (2022). Capital Market Finance: An Introduction to Primitive Assets, Derivatives, Portfolio Management and Risk. Springer Textbook.

Shuangzhe Liu & Milind Sathye (2021). Financial Statistics and Data Analytics. MDPI. Basel.

Benninga Simon and Mofkadi Tal (2022). Financial Modeling, fifth edition Edition. MIT Press.

Benninga Simon and Mofkadi Tal (2018). Principles of Finance with Excel. Oxforfd University Press.

Shuangzhe Liu & Milind Sathye (2021). Financial Statistics and Data Analytics. MDPI. Basel.

Harvey Campbell, Rattray Sandy, & Van Hemert Otto (2021). ‎ Wiley; 1st edition

Lukomnik Jon & Hawley James (2021) Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory. Routledge; 1st edition

Bastick Liam (2020) Introduction To Financial Modelling. Holy Macro Books. 1st edition

Isichenko Michael (2021) Quantitative Portfolio Management: The Art and Science of Statistical Arbitrage Wiley; 1er edition

Merton, Robert & Thaler, Richard (2021). No-fault Default, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, and Financial Institutions. Working Paper 28341, NBER.

Ballotta Laura & Fusai Gianluca (2017) A Gentle Introduction to Value at Risk. Technical Report · April 2017

Benninga Simon and Mofkadi Tal (2018). Principles of Finance with Excel. Oxforfd University Press.

Benninga Simon and Mofkadi Tal (2022). Financial Modeling, fifth edition. MIT Press

Bernhard Pfaff (2016) Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio

Optimization with R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Rasmussen, M. (2003) Quantitative Portfolio Optimisation, Asset Allocation and Risk Management: A Practical Guide to Implementing Quantitative Investment Theory. Palgrave Macmillan

Hollstein, Fabian and Prokopsuk, Marcel (2016). Estimating Beta. The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 51, No. 4 (August), pp. 1437-1466

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