
Computer Aided Design

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
E181012 Z,ZK 5 2P+2C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
ústav procesní a zpracovatelské techniky

Project management. Project making methodology with PC support. Flowsheeting. Mass and enthalpy balances of process lines, unique methodology for balancing in EXCEL, structure and usage of professional project making software PRO II (SimSci Co.-USA). Assumption of PRO II and solution of own project case. Basic design. Project optimization, cost engineering, choice of proper equipment type, investment and operation cost structure, cost assessment.


Solution of the set of equations.

EXCEL basis.

Technical thermodynamics basis.

Courses about equipment design of process lines components (pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, etc?..

Osnova přednášek:


1 Process design (PD) accuracy, PD steps.

2 Pitra: Project management-invited lecture.

3 Project conception and definition.

Documentation needed for building application.

4 Flow-sheeting techniques, equipment and streams numbering and symbols used, equipment data sheets

5 Mass and enthalpy (M&E] balances principles and techniques-simulation programs.

6 Mass balances in EXCEL.

7 Mass balances in EXCEL.

8 M&E Balances in EXCEL.

9 M&E Balances in EXCEL-special cases.

10 PRO II software, demonstration case.

11 Roušar: Project management and project implementation.

12 Project implementation, production, maintenance, hazard.

13 Process design optimization.

14 Capital cost estimation

Manufacturing cost estimation

Investment and operation cost structure.

Osnova cvičení:


1Information sources

2Narrowing the possibilities

3Distribution of home-works, EXCEL physical properties data and EXCEL special operations

4Flow-sheeting in AUTOCAD, Smart Draw and EXCEL

5Case1: Manufacture of soda-bicarbonate

6Case1: Manufacture of soda-bicarbonate

7Case 2: Heating of a dwelling house

8Case 2: Heating of a dwelling house

9Case 3: Manufacture of reduced iron

10PRO II- Case 1 and 2

11PRO II- Case 3-4

12PRO II- Case 5

13Case 1: Optimization of reactor design

14Estimation of equipment prize-inflation, size, material, risk effects Structure of costs for built in heat exchanger

Cíle studia:

Teaching students the project making methodology of process lines up to the basic design. The crucial point is to assume the methodology based on analysis-synthesis principals, project management, flowsheeting, mass and enthalpy balancing of process lines, its calculation, simulation and optimization.

Studijní materiály:

1. University Samba server



Ditl>PPP- Czech or English version of the course:

P.Ditl and J.Skřivánek:Flowsheeting

a Microsoft EXCEL- lectures-new concept, solved cases in EXCEL,

PRO II Manual (in Czech)- (for English version contact secretary) Invited lectures (power point): Prof. Pitra and

Ass. Prof. I. Roušar

2. Gael D. Ulrich: A guide to chemical engineering process and economics, John Wiley & Sons, 1984

3. Max S. Peters, Klaus D. Timmerhaus: Plant design and economics for chemical engineers,

McGraw Hill, 2003, www.esnips.com

4. Harry Silla: CHEMICAL PROCESS ENGINEERING Design and Economics, MARCEL DEKKER, INC. NEW YORK - BASEL, 2003, www.esnips.com

5. Pavel Ditl and Jaroslav Skřivánek: www.ditl.cz : Flowsheeting a Microsoft EXCEL


Full Title: Computer Aided Process and Plant Design and Economics

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