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Electrical Circuits and Electronics

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E141504 Z,ZK 4 2P+0C+2L anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Jan Chyský
Jan Chyský, Martin Novák
Jan Chyský, Lubomír Musálek, Lukáš Novák, Martin Novák, Zuzana Sedlecká, Oleg Sivkov, Josef Vlček
Předmět zajišťuje:
ústav přístrojové a řídící techniky

Introduction into theory of electrical circuits, analysis special types of electrical circuits as DC and AC. Transient states in circuits with accumulators of energy. Using Symbolic-Complex method and Fourier transformation for analysis AC circuits supplied with harmonic signal. El. Power and Energy. Introduction into electronics. Principle and typical parameters of basic semiconductor components. Application in electronic circuits (rectifier, stabilizer, power control, operational amplifier). Analogue and digital circuits. Principle of analogue and digital signal processing. Logical circuits, converters, microprocessor.


A. Base of electrical circuit analysis

1. Elements of electrical circuits, ideal resistor, capacitor, inductor, source of voltage a nd current. Units. Description of elements in electronics and electrical schemas, using shortened coding.

2. Solution of stable state of linear electrical circuit supplied by DC sources of voltage and/or current using Kirchhof?s laws. Methods of loops. Theorems of equivalent source (Thevenins, Nortons and principle of superposition).

3. Solution of transient state of linear electrical circuit supplied by DC source of voltage and current( RC, RL and RLC).

4. Phasor, rotating phasor, exponential and component form of phasor, solution of stable state of linear circuit suplied by one or more sources of harmonic voltage/current using symbolic-complex method. Phasor diagram composition.

5. Universal linear load supplied by harmonic source of voltage. Instantaneous power, average power, watt, wattles and apparent power, power factor.

6. Mead }average] value and root mean value of AC voltage.

7. Three phase symmetrical system of voltage sources, line to neutral and line to line voltage. Symmetrical and non symmetrical load connected ad star and delta. Solution using symbolic-complex method. Phasor diagram composition.

8. Power in three phase system, instantaneous power on three phase symmetrical load, watt, wattless and apparent power on symmetrical and non symmetrical load. Circuits diagrams for power measurement in one and three phase systems. Evaluation of measurements.

9. Resonance in electrical circuit, parallel and serial, compensation of phase shift.

10. Personal protection against electrical shock

B. Electronics elements and their applications:

11. Semiconductor diode, principle threshold voltage, current-voltage characteristic, limit and typical specifications. Cooling of semiconductors elements.

12. One and two way rectifier, bridge connection. Rectifier with watt load with/without smoothing capacitor, connection, time response of voltage. Dimensioning of diodes and smoothing capacitor. Principle and block diagram of switching source for PC.

13. Zener diode, behaviours, parameters, current-voltage characteristic. Voltage stabiliser using ZD. Coefficient of stabilisation, output resistance.

14. Thyristor, behaviours, parameters, current-voltage characteristic, controlled rectifiers.

15. Bipolar and unipolar transistor, behaviours, parameters, current-voltage characteristic (input, output), compare properties. Static transfer characteristic

16. Amplifier with bipolar and unipolar transistor. Load line, dynamic transfer characteristic. Working point setting, h- and y- parameters. Voltage amplification.

17. Transistor as switch. Switching of inductive load, transistor protection.

18. Electrical realisation of two state logical variable, limits of L and H levels for output and input, noise immunity, logical gain.

19. Inverter, connection, function, transfer characteristic, using for signal voltage and power shift.

20. Operational amplifier, properties, current and voltage offset. Transfer characteristic. Inverting, non-inverting amplifier, integrator with OA. Transfer errors.

21. Circuits using TTL and CMOS components, levels and their setting, properties and comparing

22. Block scheme, basic components and function of microcomputer. Principle of busses

Osnova přednášek:

1.El. instalace, ochrany, krytí, jištění, zákl. norm. vyhl. 50 ČBU a ČUBP

2.El. prvky RLC, UI, Kirchhofovy zákony, met. smyčkových proudů, uzlových napětí

3.Řešení el. obvodů, přechodové jevy

4.Střídavé obvody, fázor, symbolicko-komplexní metoda, Fourierova transformace

5.Třífázové obvody, el. síť

6.Výkon el. proudu, účiník

7.Diody, usměrňovače, Zenerova dioda, stabilizátor

8.Tyristor, řízený usměrňovač, střídač

9.Tranzistor bipolární a unipolární, řešení obvodů

10.Operační zesilovač, invertor, integrátor, převodníky

11.Číslicové obvody, negátor, převodníky úrovní

12.Obvody TTL, ....., CMOS, kombinační logika

13.Sekvenční obvody, čítače, registry, blokové schéma a funkce mikropočítače

14.Magnetické obvody, elektromagnet

Osnova cvičení:

1.Introduction - electrical laboratory work safety, Group subdivision.

2.DC circuits analysis, power supply sources, safety work test

3.Symbolic-complex method for circuits powered by sources of harmonic signal

4.Verification of fuse and circuit breakers characteristic The fault loop impedance measurement.

5.Transients, oscilloscope.

6.Circuits powered by harmonic AC voltage.

7.Power in 1 phase system, power factor correction

8.Semiconductors, Diodes. Rectifiers

9.Zener diode, voltage stabilizer. Switching power source

10.Transistors parameters measurement. Amplifier.

11.Thyristors, chopper

12.Operational amplifier

13.Transistor in switching mode, timing circuit

14.Microcomputer application examples, assessment

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

Rizzoni Giorgio, Principles and Applications of electrical Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

ISBN 0-256-26116-4

Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:
místnost T4:C1-310
Novák M.
(přednášková par. 1)
Učebna 310
místnost T4:F3-107
Vlček J.
Lab. silnoproudá elektrotechn.
místnost T4:F3-107
Vlček J.
Lab. silnoproudá elektrotechn.
místnost T4:F3-108
Sivkov O.
Lab. silnoproudá elektrotechn.

Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:
Rozvrh není připraven
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 14. 3. 2025
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/cs/predmet1047006.html