UPOZORNĚNÍ: Jsou dostupné studijní plány pro následující akademický rok.

Integrated System Structures

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AE2M34SIS Z,ZK 5 2P+2C česky
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra mikroelektroniky

Design methodologies of analog, digital and optoelectronics integrated systems. Description of integrated circuits fabrication process; CMOS technologies and its modern sub-micron trends; design rules and layout design. Design and fabrication process of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS); polymer based technologies; optical and optoelectronical integrated circuits, fabrication process and technologies, matherials, design and testing.

Výsledek studentské ankety předmětu je zde: http://www.fel.cvut.cz/anketa/aktualni/courses/AE2M34SIS



Osnova přednášek:

1.Microelectronics and integrated circuit design history, roadmaps, Moor?s laws, IO design methodologies, current trends.

2.Analogue, digital and mix-signal integrated systems design methodologies (top down, bottom up), design abstraction levels, application specific integrated systems, their types, hierarchy, design economical aspects.

3.Integrated circuits fabrication processes - materials, monocrystal manufacturing, wafers processing, lithography variances, etching.

4.Integrated circuits fabrication processes - ion implantation, diffusion, epitaxial deposition, vapour deposition methods (CVD, PVD), integrated circuits packaging

5.CMOS fabrication process, layout, topological masks, isolation methods, CMOS process variances, interconnection technology.

6.Modern IC technologies, submicron CMOS technologies, silicon on insulator (SOI) technology, Strained silicon technology, RF IC, metallization process (Dual Damascene).

7.Software tools for IC design; simulation, characterization and testing of microelectronics systems; design methodologies of digital, analogue and mix-signal integrated systems. Analysis types (DC, Transient, AC, Noise, PSS, PAC...)

8.Aspects of analogue IC design, technological needs, analogue design levels of abstraction, Hierarchy editor, libraries and models for analogue blocks; layout design, design rules, parasitic structures, parasitic extraction; development of analogue cells library.

9.Aspects of digital IC design, technological needs, specification and abstraction methods of digital IC design. Design kits description, Floorplanning, design of interconnect, place and route, layout - design rules check; parasitic extraction; functional blocks placement, routing of power lines and clock lines, verification.

10.Aspects of mix-signal design, technological needs, design specification, hierarchy levels, libraries for mix-signal design. Methodologies for simulation and connection of analogue and digitals functional blocks.

11.Design and manufacturing processes of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), fabrication, materials, application; polymeric electronics, application areas.

12.Optoelectronic and optical integrated circuits types, basic principles and phenomenon in their design.

13.Technologies used in integrated optoelectronics and optics, materials, manufacturing process, design of monolitical and hybrid integrated circuits.

14.Optoelectronic and optical integrated circuits types used in informatics applications and sensors design (planar optical dividers, optical multiplexors, optical , optical modulators, planar optoelectronic transceivers, receivers and amplifiers; receivers and amplifiers for WDM and OTDM, etc.

Osnova cvičení:

1.Introduction to work under UNIX and introduction to CADENCE design tools

2.CMOS design kits, simulation of analogue ICs, simulator Spectre.

3.Parameters of logic gates and characteristics of CMOS transmition gate.

4.Analog IC design flow, testbenches

5.Influence of processing variances, Corner analysis, Monte Carlo analysis.

6.Layout of analogue IC.

7.Layout of analogue IC.

8.Design rule check, parasitic extraction.

9.Digital IC design flow, simulations.

10.Synthesis and verification of digital IC design.

11.Design of optic devices for sensors and informatics

12.Design of optoelectronic devices for sensors and informatics, substitute circuits.

13.Principles of optical and optoelectronic IC design

14.Work presentation, final assessment

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

Michael Smith: Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1998

P. Gray, P Hurst, s. Lewis, R. Mayer: Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley and Sons, 2000

E. Sinencio, A. Andreou: Low-Voltage/Low-Power Integrated Circuits and Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 1998

Mark Zwolinski : Digital System Design and VHDL , Prentice-Hall, 2000

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Platnost dat k 14. 3. 2025
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