
Study plan Bachelor Specialization Computer Networks and Internet, in Czech, 2024

Study programme: Informatika Study type: Bachelor full-time
Recommended study pathway: Bachelor specialization Computer Networks and Internet, in Czech, 2024
Code Course group name   credits
Compulsory courses in the program
BI-PP.21 Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, presented in Czech, version 2021 In this group you have to gain 106 credits
In this group you have to complete 20 courses
Minimal number of credits 106
Compulsory courses in the specialization
BI-PS-PS.21 Compulsory courses for specialization Computer Networks and Internet 2021 In this group you have to gain 40 credits
In this group you have to complete 8 courses
Minimal number of credits 40
Compulsory elective courses
BI-PV-PS.21 Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Computer Networks and Internet, version 2021 In this group you have to gain at least 5 credits (at most 15)
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course ( at most  3)
Minimal number of credits 5
Povinná tělesná výchova, sportovní kurzy
BI-PT.24 Physical Education, version 2024
In this group you have to complete at least 2 courses ( at most  7)
Minimal number of credits 0
Povinná zkouška z angličtiny
BI-ZKA.21 English Language Exam In this group you have to gain at least 2 credits (at most 4)
In this group you have to complete 1 course
Minimal number of credits 2
Elective courses
BI-V.2021 Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme Informatics, version from 2021/22 till 2024/25
BI-PS-VO.21 Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-PS.21, version 2021
Minimal number of credits 0
Total number of required credits 153
Number of elective courses credits you have to gain 27
Total number of credits 180

Tato verze studijního plánu je určena pro ročníky, které byly přijaty ke studiu od akademického roku 2024/2025 do prezenční formy studia bakalářského programu. . Garant: Ing. Jan Fesl, Ph.D., email: jan.fesl@fit.cvut.cz

Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, presented in Czech, version 2021 [BI-PP.21]

If you plan to profile the specialization Information Security, Management Informatics, Computer Networks and Internet, Computer Systems and Virtualization, Software Engineering, or Web Engineering, enroll in the course BI-PSI.21 in your 2nd semester of study. If you plan to profile the specialization Computer Graphics, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Artificial Intelligence, enroll in the course BI-PSI.21 in your 4th semester of study. If you plan to profile yourself in the Artificial Intelligence specialization, enroll in the course BI-PST.21 in your 3rd semester of study. Otherwise, enroll in the course BI-PSI.21 in your 5th semester of study. If you plan to profile the specialization Artificial Intelligence or Web Engineering, enroll in the course BI-AAG.21 in your 5th semester of study. Otherwise, enroll in the course BI-PSI.21 in your 3rd semester of study.

Physical Education, version 2024 [BI-PT.24]

The student is obliged to successfully complete two courses of this group.

English Language Exam [BI-ZKA.21]

BI-ANG, ending with an exam for two credits, is enrolled by students who have completed preparator English courses and have a credit from the BI-A2L course. <br> --<br> BI-ANG1, ending with an exam for two credits, is enrolled by students who prepared for the exam independently and do not have credit from BI-A2L. These students must complete a credit paper before their own exam. After passing the exam, the student will also be recognized for the course BI-ANGS (Independent preparation for the English exam) for 2 credits. <br> --<br> The BIE-ECC course can be recognized for any active semester after the submission of a external certificate at the level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference.

Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/stplan30024211.html